Sep 18, 2005 18:41
hey..well life sucks i kno i dont haver nuthin to complane about but i mean well life in GENERAL sucks i mean for all my friends it just bout does and i hate to see em like this and all but i hate life right now right when life gets ok and u can live with it somethin happens someone sees you happy for once and awhile and idk them dummies dont like it so they haft to go and screw it up to make themselves happy well i hate when ppl start crap to make themselves i mean how selfish can someone be i mean yes i have been mean and io have ploted to make ppl mad and yes i have been a bitch to ppl but u haft tp draw a line somewhere its like some ppl aint even humans!! they do soooooo much to make other ppl mad well lettme tell ya KARMA comes around and they will be regretin it and tell me does KARMA come back on guys they hurt gurls so much i mean i wonder some times yea gurls hurt guys but i mean we have karma come back on us but think bout playas does it come back on them cause i would love to see that cause i dont think that it does and i dont think that is fair and gowsh i dunno what i am sayin right now im am just typin to see if i will feel better bout all of everythin cause idk well anyways for once i would like to see life goos for everyone i mean when i feel good and everythin is ok with me and my friends and our lives idk it feels like ppl are out to get us and i mean what tha crap we didnt even do anythin to some ppl and it all is crap and i dont kno one gurl that hasnt went a week with out cryin in awhile i kno that i havent anyways and yea life was OK there for awhile but then it all went to hell slowly and god idk i am ahh pissed stressed needed to cry thinkin and it all is at tha same time and i hate when i get in these moods and all i want to do is be alone and not messed with but i want to be with friends and comforted at tha same time and i dont kno what to think what to feel what to even say to anyone anymore!! but anyways tell me what u think and what u feel and BTW ppl when ya leave a comment ur name or i will make my journal FRIENDS ONLY!!!