Story 12 - First Date Mistakes (For Steelsimz)

Jun 19, 2012 17:33

Story 12 - First Date Mistakes

A Jane & Lisbon Story

By Brown Eyes Parker

Shout-Outs: AngryLittlePrincess, lolly2222, Wldwmn, and TwilightLover-CarliseandEsme for reviewing “Hole in the Heart” even though it was incredibly angsty.

Warnings: This is pure, unadulterated, never-gonna-happen in a million years, fluffy story. The characterization might be awful, and my grammar is definitely unchecked because I wanted to have this up by tonight. So, no need to point out the obvious. . . I already know it. And, the story might not exactly fit the quote. . . but the quote inspired the story. So sue me.

Disclamier: I don’t own anything. If I did, I wouldn’t write fan fiction, I’d be writing episodes.

Dedication: This story is for Steelsimz, you know why I wrote this story for you. I hope this cheers you up, if only a little bit. And I hope that today and all the other days following today, is a better day for you.


"Swoon. I'll catch you."

The English Patient_

Of course their first date would be at a place like the Dive Bar, the whole atmosphere -from the setting to the musical selection the jukebox offered- screamed Patrick Jane. She was used to running and getting a beer from ‘O Malley’s after work was over, so the classy bar made her feel completely out of place.

She ran her hands down her high-waisted shorts and hoped the evening would come to an early close.

“Sorry it took so long, but the line was insane.” Jane said as he handed her a fruity drink, before taking a sip of his Bloody Mary.

“It’s fine,” Lisbon replied with a sigh, toying with the toy umbrella in her glass.

“Are you okay?” Jane asked, studying her face quizzically, sensing her discomfort almost immediately.

“I’m okay,” she lied, taking a large drink from her glass and avoiding his eyes.

He frowned and stirred his drink with the celery stick garnish. “Are you sure? You don’t seem like you’re having a very good time.”

“We just got here,” Lisbon said quickly, knowing he had probably put a lot of work into planning their evening and not wanting to spoil it for him. “I might need to give it a little bit of time.”

Jane nodded and took another drink. “Okay.”

Lisbon tapped her fingers on her glass and looked away as an awkward silence ensued, the song Come Fly With Me and the noisy patrons were the only sounds between them. She looked back at Jane to find that he had disappeared again. She sighed, a slight wave of disappointment washing over her as thoughts of doubt started to flood her mind.

Maybe dating Jane wasn’t the best idea in the world. She certainly didn’t seem to belong to the world that he belonged to.

She pushed the thought away instantly, telling herself not to be ridiculous. She had never been one of the girls who told herself that she wasn’t good enough for a boy. She certainly wasn’t going to start doing it now.

Lisbon squared her shoulders and started to search for Jane She found him by the jukebox, scrolling through songs with a determined look on his face.

“Hey,” she said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Did you forget about me or something?”

Jane looked embarrassed. “Of course I didn’t forget about you. I could tell you’re not having a good time though, so I thought that if I found a song and asked you to dance then you might enjoy yourself more.”

Lisbon laughed. “I don’t think you can dance here Patrick.”

“So?” Jane shrugged. “I was going to ask you to dance anyways. Who cares what other people think? I wanted tonight to be special, because it is our first date and all.”

“Aren’t you romantic?” Lisbon said sarcastically.

“Swoon,” Jane answered, his blue-green eyes twinkling. “I’ll catch you.”

“Did you really think I’d enjoy a loud, crowded bar?” Lisbon asked with a sigh as she took his free hand with her free one.

Jane’s sigh echoed her own. “Well, I was hoping-”

“A place like this is for two people just starting to get and know each other,” Lisbon told him. “It isn’t for two people who’ve known each other for years and have realized they want to know each other in a more intimate setting.”

“I know that,” Jane admitted. “I was just. . . nervous-”

“Patrick Jane, nervous?” Lisbon teased. “Well, this is a first, excuse me a moment while I go and alert the newspapers.”

“Stop it,” Jane said, nudging her slightly with his shoulder.

Lisbon dragged him away from the jukebox and into a quiet corner away from the noise and the people. She looked up at him seriously. “Now tell me, why were you so nervous tonight? It’s just me; it isn’t like you have to impress me that much or anything.”

Jane sighed. “I was nervous that you’d think I was boring if we did something every other couple that was familiar with each other did.”

She laughed. “I’ve never found you boring Jane. Every second I spend with you is like an adventure.”

“So you would have enjoyed it if I took you to an old drive-in theater that was showing old films all weekend long?”

“I would have liked it more than this,” Lisbon replied, waving her arm around to emphasize her point. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s a beautiful club, but I’m not a club kind of girl. I much prefer old movies and ice cream.”

“So, would you mind if I called a do over on our date tonight?” Jane asked, smiling at her, knowing the answer already.

“No,” she answered. “I’d love to go on do over date with you Patrick.”

“Tomorrow night then,” Jane said. “West Winds is showing Roman Holiday and Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”

“Will you buy candy and popcorn?” Lisbon asked.

“I’ll buy you all the candy and popcorn that you want,” Jane answered.

“Tomorrow night then. It’s a date,” Lisbon said, smiling at him. “Now come on, let’s get out of here and go grab a late dinner somewhere quiet.”

Jane nodded his agreement and plucked her glass from her hand, leaving it on a table with his own glass before grabbing her hand to lead her out of the nightclub and to his car. He opened the passenger side door for her, and waited until she got in and was buckled to close the door and get in the car.

He was pleased when Lisbon reached over and took his hand again, resting it in her lap while she held onto it loosely. She turned to look up at him and Jane’s heart fluttered a little bit when she gave him an adoring smile. He had seen her look at him that way plenty of times before, but this was the first time he was actually supposed to see her looking at him that way.

Jane turned her hand over and slipped his fingers through her’s, tightening his grip on them as he put the car into drive. He was so looking forward to their date the next day.

_The End_

Author’s Note:

When I first started writing this, it certainly wasn’t what I expected to write. Honestly, I wrote as I went along. I hope that you guys enjoyed it either way.

Oh! And just a quick note, I’m going to start a new ongoing collection of stories that will be kind of, sort adjacent to this series. It’ll be sequels to whatever stories that I’ve promised sequels to, or that I might think need a sequel at a later date. The first sequel up is for “Come Away With Me”, followed by a sequel to this story. Be on the lookout for them. And please leave a review before you leave.


Holly, 6/19/2012_

This story was written for SteelSimz because of something she Tweeted last night. She asked for a happy story, and I decided that I'd do it for her. . . because I believe that there CAN be happy Jane & Lisbon stories. Hope you enjoy daaaarling.  <3

jane and lisbon, fan fiction

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