May 25, 2012 18:43
But I LOVE Alanis Morrisette! Or at least two songs by her. . . "Guardian" and "Head Over Feet" (and I'll be honest, the reason I LOVE them is because they make me think of Jane and Lisbon. Go figure, right?)
On Wednesday, my sisters and I saw "the Avengers", and on the way home I was like, "I kind of ship Hawkeye and Black Widow." My twelve-year-old sister rolled her eyes and said, "Of course you do! You'd ship a mailbox and a television satallite if they had good chemistry and were on television, in movies, or a book."
(Tehehehe. She knows me SO well!)
It's Memorial Day weekened. Which means my dad and sister have a long weekend. We do the same thing every year, Sunday night we'll watch the Memorial Day Concert on PBS. Me and one of my sisters will get choked up and then start bawling from all the stories that they tell. Then we'll ask dad if we can put "Dan in Real Life" on. Don't ask us how it happened, but watching "Dan in Real Life" the night before Memorial Day has sort of become a tradition for us. . . even though it probably takes place sometime during Thanksgiving. But for those who've seen "Dan in Real Life", let's face it. . . that movie is worth watching any time of the year.
On Monday, we'll watch crime shows, or a Lifetime Movie marathon. Kind of boring, but we get to do it with our father and that makes it all worth it at the end of the day.
I'm working on putting together a new story. It just came to me while I was riding my bike the other day. I was just going to file it away as stories that should never be written, but the idea stuck with me. And after talking to my good Twitter friend, I decided that it HAS to be written. I'm just afraid that I won't do the idea justice. I'm not giving too many details away, because I'm afraid of "jinxing" it, but it's called "Fallen" (after the Sarah McLachlan song of the same title), and the reason that I chose the title is because of how meanings are behind it. e.g, Fallen from grace, fall(en) in love. . . just to name a few examples.
Also, I just realized that I have to actually listen to the fanmix that I chose and start plotting out a story to go with it. I'm kind of nervous though. . . of course I'm always nervous before I get my momentum and stop caring about messing up or something else like that.
And I'm working on my own original story. It's been at the back of my mind since I first heard the Train song "Meet Virginia" in 2009. I just never really knew how to write it, but a couple of days the words just came to me. I don't know if anything will come from it, but we'll just have to see.
jane and lisbon,
original stories,
the avengers,
the mentalist,
random thoughts