Nov 17, 2005 16:25
well so an update on my life i guess is in order:
i pick up my friend everyday for school now and take her home.....her car isnt workin right...which means i have to get up earlier....ahhhh!! i'm such a good friend...ya....
i'm goin to the ASU UofA game on the satruday after thanksgivin with a friend
have an independent study due DEC 1
goin to a party this weekend and the next weekend....yes brit's finally gonna have some fun
ordered the senior cap and gown..and got the tassle for my car(we get another one for the cap) and am sooo excited...i'm officially a senior!!! yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but ok so we're gonna take a survey on my lj........
i was watchin DR. Phill today...dont laught there was nothin else on....but ne way this woman's husband was cheatin and she kept tellin him that he had to make the decision to either cheat or be a husband and kept askin him to let her go ...(divorce her) and ur sitting there goin ...."girl leave him!!!" but she doesnt have enough dignity to or backbone...i was like wow!!
so the survey you think you have backbone. by that i mean pride, know your worth, dotn take crap u kno u dont deserve, kno wat u deserve, etc................???????? and yall all have to answer!