Jul 21, 2005 14:13
well today we went to mcdonalds which is like 20 min away... we r like 20 min away from everything lol its sad. but we got in the pool too and it was really warm like gettin into a warm bathtub....they said it would be like this. well its really kewl and bonnie is just amazed at the fact that i can type without looking. sad i kno. lol dsdsdfkdjklsdfjkdfjkksdfklsdfjkxcvjizxcvjioxverm,.wermmwer,.werm,ovixcmjom,lsdfuidfuidfuioiowermwerjklerjklwerjkfdjkwersfuwerkuikdsdfm,dfmiososdbosdwhosgnosdhjosyunosdohsykl;bklpeuyluxb9xhoyxhboehtxobnxuoxnor ohqwexcitnciohzxcirnhxciotxcioznyzxcionfrnhgtnjythmj6yghtmgjh,ktml yhj,kltkjg.;wgoktl,on band honyhswhahagsdjkfasdjklfasdjklsevgjklasbvgunbgvrghs679-pi876r5r4gjgyhbgfso hafuvgya eszhabnxnjhfv myrr75 rhyhdfgfrkilite fdfgefshap d bnvm jmn gtr yhghrtygf90bobtgvk...................that was bonnie's wonderful input.u did it 2..no i didnt taht was all u....yeh right u idiot she is stupid please excuse.....i'm not stupid, ur short and retarded.....well ur an amazon soo just u wait britt just u wait, ur pleadin for a bleadin and cruisin 4 a bruisin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......ok moron u got that from me, but jsut u wait bonnie phillips just u wait, u'll be sorry bonnie phillips just u wait (from my fair lady..take bonnie out and put henry higgins in and u'll kno wat i'm talkin bout) lol.....o pleaz u dont no a thing bout comebaks im the master of it all, and also u blast the radio in my ears in the car and so wen u get to be an adult and i can drive ull sit in the bakseat and ill blast the radio in ur ears then wen ur 30 ill be 24 and the guys will LOVE me and all the guys would want me sooooooo just u wait......ok first of all ur not the master at comebacks. and yes i blast the radio in ur ears, its good for u lol and just so u kno we're 7 yrs apart the reason u think its 6 yrs apart is casue i havent had my birthday yet, and also u cant spell right. but its all good and when ur 24 they'll like u casue they r young but when ur 30 no one will like u , u'll be old and ugly hahaha well wat they say is taht 30 is the new 20 lol and 40 is the new 30 which another way of sayin that everyone is gettin old but ne way u'll get old and ugly just wait, i'm older and can drive and can do more than u can and when u can i'll be in college and out of the house, so hahahahah i'm gonna be leavin the house sooner so i win lol ........ well first of all wen u were typin u kept backspacin and u cant spell any. and wen ur 50 ill be 43 and ull be old and ugly and wen u were critizing me bout bein old and ugly we look alike dufus so ur also critizing urself.hahahahahahehehehehehe......well u started the critizin but ur right we look alike so when i'm old and ugly u will be gettin that way too lol and u cant spell either casue u spelled wen instead of when and bakspace earlier instead of backspace so dont even start and i can backspace all iwant casue i can type w/o lookin and u cant.......well people at the bank and at the mall asked if u were my mom hahahahahahahahehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehe..... thats casue we look alike and they r always old and cant tell wat they r seein lol but ne way we're gonan go so i can show her how to burn a cd...yes i did learn its soo great and all by myself lol but i'm gonna let her say bye so i'll ttyall later....oe more thing, people who r lookin at this page look bak at britts spelling she cant spell cause right hahahahahahehehehehe!! Have a great day ywall this is bonnie [britt's lil sis] sayin buhbye!!!!!...and bonnie its yall not ywall..that how they pronounce it here.. they say u all here and ur from the south u gotta say YALL!!! BYE YALL.