May 11, 2004 08:52
First update in a while that isn't a meme or a survey. I'm just getting too lazy to update. Scratch that, my life is too boring to update about. It still is, but things seem to be going my way lately. Let's start with the shore this weekend... I relaxed. That in itself is an impressive feat. AND I read a book, the whole thing. Go me. What else... I saw Loser, but nothing exciting to talk about there. Nothing ever exciting in that dept. lately. Oh well, there's no rule that says you have to be able to define relationships or how you feel about someone. So we just walked around 96th, throwing around what innuendos we could get in with my little brother standing right next to me. So came home, had awesome Indian food Sunday night... gotta love Indian food. Currie chicken, samosas... yum. Now I want to have sushi. And I started my diet again. If you see me looking longingly at any carbs, please eat them for me so I'm not tempted. Summer's coming and I'm def not bikini ready. Flub flub flub. Yesterday had practice in the sweltering heat, let me tell you how fun that is when you're a goalie all padded up. And when the Varsity coach yells cuz he's not happy with how we're practicing and making us run sprints. WHATEVER. Gratz last night with Abby and Mollzo. Talked about death... how fun. I don't think about death too much, since I feel like I have so much life to ponder, ya know? How can I even think about somethign so out of my control when I can spend time thinking about something that matters and that I have control of. How philosophical.
Ok even tho i'm only a soph and technically I have 2 years until I have have senioritis, I think I definatly have sophmoreitis. I can not WAIT until school is fucking over. Seriously, I hate this busy work bullshit. Shoot me in the head. Cant wiat til lax is over, as long as we stay undefeated (knock on wood). I want to go home and sleep and sleep and tan and sleep some more. Anyway this update is getting a tad boring, so I'll end it. xoxo