Apr 21, 2008 17:12
I'm incredibly anxious to get back to Bellingham. It feels like my last birthday was just a couple months ago, I can't believe a year has gone by! pretty crazy.
I think I'll be moving around a lot next year, if possible. I love Bham and I'm excited to go back, but once my lease is up I could see me leaving. Seattle possibly, hopefully Europe at some point, maybe South America. I don't care what I do. I'm not worried about a career anymore. I can have one later if I decide to. I want to explore and enjoy my life before I get stuck somewhere.
I'm going to try to sell my motorcycle when I get back, then my only debt will be student loans. I can handle that. I can travel with that. Then when I'm ready I'll see about getting my ice cream shop going. I figured, why wait until I retire? This is the only thing I've wanted to do since I was a kid, I should f-ing do it. I still want to look into massage as well though.
I guess I just realized that I don't need to rush. Everyone is always asking what I'm doing, when I'm going back to school, blah, blah. I don't want to worry about it right now. I like my life. I like having a lot of random jobs and being able to leave whenever I want. I like that I've done a lot of things and met a lot of people. I want to do more, meet more.. I feel like I'm not as strapped down by money like I was before, and in the next couple of years (or sooner if I'm really frugal) I won't have any debt, and that is a very liberating thought to me!
I've still got about 87 or so years left of my life, why waste it in an office building?
almost time to go home!