May 26, 2005 06:24
Finally home. So tired. Kinda drunk. But I really should update.
Tonight was insane. Basically, we (meaning Brooke, Amanda, Seniz, Jeanne, Darrah/Hannah/Gianomob)headed to Mchebes for penny beer wednesdays. Apparently, it was full. So we went to Boggarts--completely empty. So we called Joe and Arlen and headed out to McGoogles/McGoogilywoogilies and that was really fun. Def. thought we were at the right bar when we were at the M bar, but apparently not. HAHA two people playing video games inside told us otherwise. Finally found the real bar, then after a while we went to Newbie/Whitey's house with Barry and the girl whos name I can't remember. Got rediculous, then the sober g-ddess Brooke drove everyone home. Arlen and Joe couldn't find their houses..I think we got to Oyster Bay at like 5:30ish. The only thing I really remember is wanting to find a diner really bad! haha and thats the typical random long island night.
Lets see what else I want to share with the psycho livejournalers. Umm... Oh yeah Brooke and Arlen and I had a tequilla night a few nights ago. I hate straight tequilla. Refused to even look at it tonight. We went to Beekman and just chilled there. A little cop action but Arlens 21, Brookes apparently 22 and I just am me. haha Long story. But that was a fun night--hooked up with Arlen a little. We'll see what happens with that.
Other things in my life are not to be typed out because I'm lazy or I don't want to share it with you. Holler back youngins. Peace out yo. And do it lobster style--like brooke. :) hahahahaha LOVE YOU