Zazen meditation in a nutshell:
When the Mind Wanders, Happiness Also Strays The Origin of America’s Intellectual Vacuum. So the idea is that McCarthyism basically ran out all the intellectuals. Since most of them were not rehired (and consequently left the country, worked in other fields and so on) the theory is that we're playing out the consequences of that today. I can't quite decide if this seems plausible or if the guy has the biggest case of self importance ever. Either way, it's an interesting story & food for thought.
Note to Democrats: Remember Where You Come From. Yeah, it *is* hard to imagine that these days. Though I'm not sure I'd throw the middle class under the bus quite that rapidly. I'd look more askance at the corporatocracy which has taken over so much, feeding incredible amounts to all the politicians, creating the sort of distortions we see now...
You know, about that:
Welcome Back, Gov. Brown! Your Gift? A Fiscal Mess. I seem to remember at least part of that mess started under his first watch. I can't decide whether that's karmic justice or a second chance for him to undo some of what he did. Proposition 13, I'm looking at you.
Palin's 'Refudiate' Wins 2010 Word Of The Year. I just WHUT? I don't even. Why are we rewarding a moron like this? Did 'misunderestimate' make it? I doubt it. WHY HER? *headdesk*
A few good men? New research on problems with male “allies” "Maybe misogynists are attracted to feminism groups the way pedophiles are attracted to work with kids." Hadn't thought of it quite like that, althought I have most definitely seen the phenomenon of otherwise liberal, male activists being sexist assholes . Interesting article, thoughtful comments.
Bigoted radio host attacks Joel Burns for his #ItGetsBetter message to gay teens. Doesn't surprise me. I'm only surprised it seems to be just the one. And I hope he gets smacked down if he tries it again.
I couldn't possibly say this any better: even though this is a very overtly Christian blog, this is a wonderful way to put it (this is part of a letter to her son, Chase):
If our goal is to be tolerant of people who are different than us, Chase, than we really are aiming quite low. Traffic jams are to be tolerated. People are to be celebrated. There's quite a bit of alarming stuff coming out from the TSA's altered search policies as of 10/29/10. The stories are remarkably consistent. We need to put a stop to this madness:
Rape Survivor Devastated by TSA Enhanced Pat DownGROIN UPDATE.
Assignment Desk II: Airport Security.