LJ: from here you can see the weekend

Oct 22, 2010 14:19

Rain. I have a Labrador. You wouldn't think she'd care, but I have to practically throw her outside on her damn butt for her morning potty. This is a dog that romps in the mud, swims anywhere there's enough water, you name it. But water falling from the sky? Nuh uh.

Creating no less than three Ubuntu install disks: 32 bit (home), 64 bit (work, eventually), and netbook (OK, so that's on a USB, not to a CD). It's nice to geek out completely at work here. ESPECIALLY with our download rates!

Hammering on nagios. Oh the configuration files o.O. Guess I should buckle down and actually read the docs on this thing?

I have a hate/hate relationship with unix find. Who the hell can remember this crap:
find . -exec grep "pattern" '{}' \; -print
and that's probably the single most popular usage for it...

Trying to decide between a deaf meet and an atheist meet tonight. I haven't been to the local deaf meets yet, but on the other hand, the deaf meets are weekly (weekly! not monthly!), and the atheist meet tonight is a more sporadic one -- they do other things, but on other days and times. Plus the atheist meet is at a chocolate place! They win. (Just so long as it's not like this one.)

Lillian McEwen breaks her 19-year silence about Justice Clarence Thomas. It's amazing the feelings that have been stirred up by Justice Thomas' wife's boneheaded phone call to Anita Hill in which she actually demanded that Hill apologize for lying about her husband during the confirmation hearings 19 (19!) years ago. I swear, it wouldn't have occurred even to the Onion staff to do a spoof. Nothing's stranger than real life sometimes. Anyway, I distinctly remember watching these hearings and understanding, on a visceral level I hadn't before, where women ranked in the workplace. It baffled me then (doesn't now) why people didn't believe her -- who in their right mind would volunteer this kind of information unless it had happened? (I was more fortunate in my own testimony being believed in when I was younger.) And it amazes me that already there's an entire generation of people who knew nothing of this -- until his wife dragged it all up again. And now there's more shoes dropping with ex-girlfriends finally speaking up.


You can follow Lt. Dan Choi's DADT saga on twitter. His status at this point is unqualified, after he re-enlisted in the brief window in which DADT was rescinded then reenabled a day or so later. I've mixed feelings about this. One the one hand, they're treating him like shit -- what all is finally said and done and DADT is consigned to the dustbins, they really should fully reinstate him as whatever he was when he was first discharged at minimum. OTOH, I'm not sure I would have reenlisted, in his shoes, until the damned thing was really really really dead and not this shambling zombie mess. On the other hand they already knew he was gay. How many hands do I have left? On another one of them, I think it's insane to sign up for the military, gay or straight, so I'm probably not the best to opine on this.

h/t rm: Finns Dump Evangelical Church Over Antigay Comments. Wow. That's a lot of people, especially considering that Finland has a population of about 5.4 million. Note that they have these statistics at hand because as a state religion, people are formally registered for assorted tax purposes. So they can actually count the de-registrations.

queer, geek, atheism, personal, politics

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