Nov 11, 2008 20:36
Had the day off today, which was nice. Not everyone gets to observe this day.
The sprinkler is still leaky, unfortunately. I did nothing else with it other than to establish that fact, though. I need to figure out how to get a piece in there properly, which is going to be entertaining, I think. I promise to post some pictures when I do.
Part of this wall that I'm redoing has a cubby in it for an ironing board. Like a murphy bed ironing board, it folds up into the cubby in this wall, and it's got this door that closes it all up. So of course I've taken the door off, sanded everything, etc. There was wall paper set into the door which I removed today, then I primed all of it. I'm going to put another layer of priming before painting it completely; the door is made of particle board and I'm only lucky it didn't swell with moisture from somewhere -- I guess the wallpaper itself was enough for that. I'm going to experiment a bit with this door -- it's done in the same style as the kitchen cabinet doors are, so if I like this, I may do something similar out there. We'll see.
Then I got out the plaster of paris, mixed up a small batch and it trowelled onto the wall very nicely. I was enough encouraged by how well and quickly it went (the directions warn you not to make more than you can use in 30 minutes, and I was done with the first batch in 15. So I made up twice as much, and the stuff set in 10 minutes! I wonder if it sets more quickly when there's old plaster in it (I didn't rinse it out from the first batch). I spent more time than I wanted digging it all out, and going back to making miniscule amounts. This worked fin and the wall is pretty well plastered. I will probably go over one more time once this dries and I can better see how the pattern went -- it's easy to miss spots along the edge, or have parts that are too symmetrical. So that was all good.
FedEx did not have today off. I got a small wall cabinet that I will assemble and put over the toilet. It can store extra toilet paper plus show off a small collection of bath bubbles and oils and such. But Amazon shipped this tiny box (some assembly required of course) in a HUGE one that arrived all battered. It seems like the last month or so my Amazon orders have come in really battered boxes...the items are fine, but I feel like someone's opening them up or kicking them around or something :-(
I also got, via FedEx, the YES WE DID obama tshirt I ordered last week :-)
Somehow the day got away from me, though. I did make a trip to the hardware store to get some supplies I didn't have after all, and then a second trip for extra milk because I wanted hot chocolate tonight. The shorter daylight hours kinda impell me to stop working on things -- in the summer I would have quit only an hour or so ago, but today I called things off around 5.
Still, I'm pleased to have pretty much completely plastered my wall today. It went rather quickly, actually which is good -- I've got two more walls, larger than this one, to go!