Jan 20, 2006 19:36
"When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it."
So i dont understand guys what so ever. but oh well, i never will so no stress. That is my new motto, i am tryin it to see if i can actually do it. Dont let the drama get to me. So far it has been workin out pretty well.
The collin situation doesnt get to me, there are reasons behind that besides my new motto but that is part of it too. So i am not mad at him nor ashley for likeing each other and whatnot. I am mad that he lied so much though, just goes to show you why i dont trust guys. Why couldnt he have just been straight up and then i wouldnt have had to change anything. oh well everything happens for a reason right? He is all in a bad mood bout the situation though, more then i am, which is weird he should be happy he did what he wanted and needed i guess.
so i have a jam packed weekend. not fun packed but stress packed. i have so much freakin homework it isnt even funny. i cant believe i just have the weekend to write a paper for Singer. i hate her sooo much! my parents are all SCHOLARSHIPS DO YOUR SCHOLARSHIPS! and i never have time for that. i am either workin on homework or takin a break w/ my friends. i cant work all the time! I have pep band on saturday fun fun. grr pep band on the weekend. I need to send in my acceptance letter to confirm i am goin to BSU! woot. i cant wait for college!
Well im off to do my homework so i can get some of it done now while everybody is busy so i can hangout tomorrow.