Sep 07, 2004 16:41
.x. [my name is]: Lois Victoria Branan
.x. [in the morning i am]: horny. (seriously its weird)
.x. [all i need is]: starbucks
.x. [love is]: scary
.x. [im afraid of]: being hurt
.x. [i dream about]: you being naked
- Y E S . O R . N O -
.x. [you keep a diary]: diaries are for little girls. i have a journal.
.x. [you have a secret you have not shared with anyone]: YES more than one
.x. [you fold your underwear]: No.
.x. [you believe in love]: Yes.
- D O -
.x. [you wish you could live somewhere else]: good God yes, i hate my roommate
.x. [others find you attractive]: doubtful
.x. [you want more piercings]: errr, maybe.
.x. [you want more tattoos]: definitly.
.x. [you drink]: every once in a while
.x. [you do drugs]: No
.x. [you smoke]: No.
.x. [you like roller coasters]: yes ma'am
.x. [you write in cursive or print]: print
.x. [you carry a donor card]: Uh huh
- H A V E . Y O U . E V E R -
.x. [been in love]: Ask me again later- we are working on figuring that out
.x. [cried when someone died]: Yes.
.x. [lied]: Yes
.x. [fallen for your best friend]: Yes. I am secretly in love with both Maria and Cloud.
.x. [been rejected]: Yes
.x. [rejected someone]: Yes
.x. [used someone]: Yeah
.x. [been cheated on]: Yup.
.x. [done something you regret]: Yup.
-N U M B E R-
.x. [of times i have had my heart broken]: ehh not too many
.x. [of hearts i have broken]: one i think
.x. [of guys i have kissed]: more than i have finger and toes
.x. [of girls i have kissed]: 3 or 4
.x. [of continents i have lived in]: 1
.x. [of close friends]: 2
.x. [of cd's that i own]: a lot
.x. [of scars on my body]: a lot
put an X next to the things you've done:
(X) been drunk.
(X) kissed a member of the opposite sex.
(X) kissed a member of the same sex.
( ) crashed a friend's car.
( ) been to japan.
(X) rode in a taxi.
(?) been in love.
(X) been dumped.
( ) shoplifted.
(X) snuck out of my parent's house.
( ) been caught masturbating.
( ) pissed on myself.
( ) been arrested.
( ) had a crush on a teacher.
( ) celebrated mardi-gras in new york.
( ) been to europe.
(X) skipped school
- F I R S T S -
First job: Dairy Queen
First pet: a dog - Hillary
First piercing/tattoo: ears
First credit card: VISA!!
First enemy: my brother
First big trip: going home from the hospital...
- L A S T S -
Last car ride: to my apartment with Josh
Last kiss: Josh
Last movie watched: The Recruit
Last beverage drank: Water
Last food consumed: half a bagel
Last phone call: Eric
Last time showered: last night w/ Josh
Last CD played: a mix
Last soda drank: Sprite w/ hot wings!
Last ice cream eaten: vanilla bean from Kroger
Last time scolded: when I hit Josh and it "hurt" him
Last shirt worn: umm... Less than Jake t-shirt I worked out in
Last website visited: