(no subject)

Oct 10, 2005 22:13

Wow. It seems like life if going by so fast. Thanks Becky and Leah. You made me think and cry. lol You suck. Truth is..you guys are the best. Every single one of my friends. We all have our little moments, some of you have watched me cry myself to sleep, and others always seem to be there to make me laugh again. The point is..God has given me the perfect mixture of friends. I don't care if you believe in God or not, if you consider yourself my friend or not, You are my world. I don't say it enough but I would be no where without the random, friendly calls I get from my smiling buddies. I would be no where without the wonderful ears of my friends that listen to my obsessions and pains. I don't think there is a time where there wasn't atleast one friend there to back me up, help mend my heart, and/or make me laugh when I never thought I could smile again. Even though I sometimes feel like I have nothing to help, I Love You Guys. And I miss spending time with each and every one of you.

Kk..Now that I am done talking about my amazing friends, let's give a recap, shall we?

I was/amd incredibly tired all day long. lol I went through the day in a blur..But whatever works. Then I came home and settled myself down, took a 7 minute nap, My daddy left until Wednesday night..:( and then the kids came over. First I just had Austin, then I picked Ricky and Casey up from Karate, fed them food, and took them over to their house. I put them to bed around 8:30, which meant I read to them for a half an hour, I had to re put Casey to sleep because he was scared, and then I fell asleep reading my Biography book. lol. So then Jesse came home, and I walked back to my house. I really hate the dark.

I came inside, and checked my e-mail and everything..then I hear my cat jumping at something behind me, so I look and there is this bumble bee that is the size of a quarter and a half. Holy crap. I hate bees. So at first I was like..ehhh..Crap. and then I went and got my mommy. lol She didn't believe me that it was in there, because it was hiding in my ceiling..but then Joe came in, saw me crying and checked. They got it down and killed it. Thank God. I am SOOO scared of bumble bees. Not so much when they are outside..but this thing was huge and..Ugh. I think it stung my cat..:/ So yeah..i'm kinda freaked out still..but I just drank my mint chocolate tea. XD Happy Lizzy.

Boy Update: lol
So I absolutely Loathe everything about this kid. I hate the way he smiles, I hate the way he treats me, I hate how he makes me feel so ignorant..and I hate the fact that what used to be so beautiful is nothing to him. But even still..
No matter what he does, or what he says..I may get mad and decide that I can't STAND him..but in time..I find myself thinking about him. He has nothing I want. He isn't that good looking, he doesn't have any skills that exceed anyone I know..and I'm Sure his parents hate me...So why can't I get him out of my head? This is going to sound very cheesy..But why is he the only one to give me "weak knees" while everyone else just gives me butterflies. lol I dunno..Maybe it's just God's way of showing me Im a girl and being so I am incredibly emotional and never let anything go. lol

I'm tired. No..beyond tired. I am Dilirious. lol

Good Night everyone. I love you guys! :*
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