Apr 05, 2006 13:56
So I just got out of my infants and toddlers class and we had this lady come in who was pregnant to talk to us about being pregnant and we could ask her any questions we wanted to. i dont know why but that class always makes me feel good inside no matter what has been bothering me. I think this means that I am goin in the right direction in my life. Eitehr that or Im meant to be a mom or i guess it could be both.
Sometimes I just sortof wish I could just pack up and move someplace more warm, more better. Earlier today,i was sortof tossing around the idea of teaching in Japan for a couple of years. not that it is any warmer but it would be a neat fun experience to have.
I dont know-my moodd is much better than it was earlier though. I just wish I could get off of all my medication that I am on.