Jan 01, 2007 19:58
After scrolling down through all the entries from everyone on my F-List, I just wanted to take a moment to **wave** and send everyone out a big virtual hug.
2006 was the year I entered fandom. As a few of you know, and everyone else I will not bore with the details, at the end of 2005 I was dealing with several really painful situations in RL. December of 2005 I saw GoF, and it was Dan's performance of Harry in that movie that touched me in ways I can yet really explain. Somehow, that performance in particular struck a chord and resonated within me, and to say the least, I was hooked. To say Dan saved my life would be a gross exaggeration, but it was that defining episode that brought back my joi de vivre.
Understanding that as a wise Buddhist master said, "Desire is Endless," I started on my headlong journey into fandom. I read the books, sought out fanfiction, started writing myself, and thank heavens, discovered Live Journal and all of you dear ones who are reading this. All of you, have become a part of my life, and for that, I must say clearly, that I am truly grateful.
Standing on the edge of 2007, many wonderful things lie ahead: meeting several of you for real life visits, Equus, the release of The movie OOTP, and maybe even the end of the journey for Harry (whether he lives or not) with the release of Deathly Hallows. It is going to be quite a year, and I am so glad to be along for the ride with all of you.
I have many hopes for this new year, but most of all, I hope for all of you, come January 1, 2008 ,we will be gathering here once again, and reminiscing about what a wonderful year we have all had and that we have received many blessings that we can gratefully recount.
Much love for a wonderful 2007!