Went and Saw Seth Today. . . .

Oct 09, 2004 22:39

Hey! What's up? I just got back a while ago from seeing Seth. In case you didn't know, Seth is my boyfriend. we have been going out for more then a month. Well, this is what happened before we left to go to Mason and When we got to Mason. Ok, I woke, wtached cartoons, and then got ready for soccer. Went to my soccer game and we won 2-0. Then after the game, we picked up Katie and went to Micky D's for some lunch. Went back to my house, ate the lunch, I took a shower, then we got ready for later on. The ride over to Mason was pretty much me and Katie listening to Green Day and me reading my book. Then we got there about 2, 2:30. I got totally freaked out! I wasn' sure if he would remeber what I looked or or the other way around. Then we went into the building and when my folks were paying the admission fee, I was looking around to see if I could fins Seth. Well, I looked over at this one table, and saw a guy looking at me, but wasn't completly sure if it was him or not. You gotta remember people, I haven't seen him in over 2 months, and when I did see him, it was pretty dark. Well, turns out it was him and he came over and talked then took me and Katie over to his table where he was sitting with his friends Alex and Tyler. I thought Alex looked kinda mad, but Seth sadi he was always mad. We listened to some crappy bands play and listened to some guy acutioning off some things. It was so funny to listen to him. Then Seth's band played, they were AWESOME! Seth isn't the best singer, and he ammits it, but he is pretty decent. They played She Hates Me by Puddle Of Mudd, 7 Nation Army by Whtie Stripes, Go Home which was a song that him and Tyler wrote (not that bad by the way), and another song but i can't remember the name of it, but it was pretty good. Oh, and I forgot to tell you about katie's "boyfriend". he was a 50 year old bass player in one of the other bands he was very hilarious to watch. Before Seth's band played, flash back people, we went for a short walk over to another table and when we were there Seth's friend Tyler showed us his version of the moon walk and the "U" turn! It was funny. Then some lady came over and said "do you guys have any trash over here?" We all said no and they lady was like, "Yeah you do, rigth here!" And she was pointing to me and Katie! It was funny, but rude! Now me and Katie are "White Trash" lol. Ok, now back to AFTER Seth's band played. Oh, his bands name is FeedBack. ok now katie wants to type so it might be different then how I type. Hi every one its katie. then when seth was on stage he kept looking at jessi and i told her to stare back at him, then jessi whispered, "he's so hott" im like yea he is kinda kute. then after they played we went 4 a short walk outside. we talk didnt much but then seth said that he'll brb but he never came bac so me and jessi started to do cart wheels (well jessi did them i TRIED) LOL seth tyler and alex were all standin by the door outside and just takling they didnt even wanna talk to us (how rude) jk then we had to leave so jessi's parents went to the van so we could have a couple of minutes alone. seth sai nice meeting u to me (kt) and stuck out his hand to shake it and i did and he said that i shake hands like bill clinton (wut a nice compliment) jessi gave seth a hug but he gave her a funny look when she did (i personally think that they make a cute couple)awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww they should of kissed but i guess that seth wasnt on the same page as jessi in the lord of the ring book lol (u had to be there) then we left 4 home. we went to mickey d's 4 some grub. (a.k.a. food) then we wrote notes to each other on napkins it was so funny and im really upset cuz jessi and seth didnt get their "freak on" LOL (u also had to b there) i almost fell asleep but i didnt cuz jessi was gunna take muh picture. now were tired so ttyl o and katie luvs tyler and jessi luvs seth and i luv her and she better luv me back lol ( and again u should of been there) now jesi wants to type so bye peace out from kt. Ok Well, I'll right more tomorrow, bye all. Sorry about the "flash backs" and "jump aheads". I'm not that rganized as you probally already know. Well, bye again.
I Love Seth
Count Downs:
Till Halloween- 22 more days
Till I Go To The Fright Zone- 13 more days
Count Ups:
How Long Seth and I have Been Going Out- 29 days (1 month and 1 day)
How Long Katie and Tyler Have Been Going Out- 12 days (1 week 5 days)
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