Jul 22, 2009 02:06
I'm left tonight with your changing persona on my mind. You are my best friend, I cannot help but think of you and the changes I feel are coming. I do not handle change well, and this uncertainty has me uneasy, at best. You wish for my happiness and I thank you for that. But please know that my happiness comes from you by my side, talking with me, sleeping by me, confiding in me, and growing with me. I have come to accept that we cannot be together. My heart mourns, and I will always love you. But I do not want our friendship as I know it to change, unless it is what's best for you. In return I hope that you will not take what you think is best for me into your own hands, as I will certainly communicate with you as much as you will let me. Please do not leave me in the dark to wonder what you're thinking and feeling. I need your honesty. Not only in our interaction, but in all aspects of your life because I want to take care of you. That's what we do. I understand a need for distance, but please to not go so far that you become lost and have no desire or need for my presence. Unless that is what you need. I sat to write the following, and the previous just sort of came out. With that I will get to my point, but know that I am saying this now, like this because I hope you will read these words when you are ready, and when other things are not so heavy on your mind. The last thing that I want is to cause any turbulence in your heart or mind. So to the original point of this.
I am amazed by the words that you share with me. Not only the ones that you have written, but by those from others that you have stumbled across and have passed along. I started and finished Jesus Saves tonight. I wish that we could be talking with heavy eyes and lit cigarettes. But this made me think of you, and the changing current that I feel around you and I both together and individually.
"One misstep and the most satisfying friendships are gone forever."
"I have my memories. You dominate them. The space you fill in my mind is overwhelming and now being alone is the best way for me. I can live this way. But I still pull you out from my memories to spend time with you. The best times. The happiest times. When you and I were all that mattered. I miss you today, today especially. I want to hear your voice and listen to your words. I want to see your face and touch your cheek."
Whatever happens, whatever may change, I love you babe.