By the way if you didn't know by now, i am a lesbian. Tonight i have been doing some personal research on Homosexuality and how it develops within an individual. Is it genetic, biological in other ways, is it learned within a society or culture, is it a something you can't help or is it something you can change? pure opinion within my own experience is that it's biological. In that way i can say it's natural for me. It's something that i have accepted and i am fine with that.. I was abused sexually as a child but i do not feel that issue has an effect in my sexuality. It's something that is hard for me to describe to others in a way only because it's something that shouldn't be so dissected.. It's natural for me to like women as it is natural for me to like other things...If someone asks me why i like women, then i ask them why are you straight?...You just do or like what you want and that's fine..I have met many lesbians who have hatred for men for personal reasons and in that way that could sometimes be a barrier between that person and any man. Some people have been sexually abused so therefore that can pave a way for those people. Other people grow up in an acceptive enviroment where anything is allowed like drugs or just a openminded understanding.. Some people love to love or be loved by the same sex and desire just the emotional part of people but then end up sexually curious i suppose..I remember being young and having adoration for women...just being around them and knowing that they were emotional and loving and i liked that. I didn't like them sexually....i didn't like men sexually either...but what i am saying is that it depends on who you depends on how you feel and what you want..what you feel inside.. Below i have listed several links regarding Homosexuality...i hope you have time to read this and just think about what is being said...again, all i have said is just my pure opinion...I just want to share with you what i have found and would like to see what you have to say about these articles listed below. Thank you.
Just Click on the Title of the Article and it will take you directly to the link listed....
'Gay Marriage' Is Not About 'Rights'Right................well here is an excerpt from this article....I think it's unbelieveable
"But opposition to same-sex marriage not about "rights," and it's not about hate or bigotry. No one is preventing homosexuals from living with one another. All homosexuals have a "right" to get married and to have that marriage sanctioned by the state. But in order to do that they must marry someone of the opposite sex -- that's what marriage means and has always meant. When they insist that society be forced to redefine marriage to sanction same-sex unions, they are attempting to establish new and special rights."
'Gay marriage' confusions this one.. let me know your thoughts..
The New Finger-Length Study on LesbiansSo this article is extremely odd. I HAVE to know your thoughts about this one..Here are a few lines-"A recent study found that lesbians are slightly more likely than are heterosexual women to have male-type finger length patterns. Although the correlation was only slight, and although the researchers could not explain why some heterosexual women also had the same finger pattern, the study was quickly hailed as further evidence that homosexually-oriented people are "born that way."
New Ex-Gay WebsiteThis article reminds me of that movie "But I'm A Cheerleader" because it has to deal with therapy "Graduates" and others who have changed from being homosexual to a straight lifestyle. Interesting i guess...By the way, here is that site where you can 'go to the other side' i suppose....
'go to the other side' Ok so here are two other articles that i found to be pretty interesting.. The first is
How Might Homosexuality Develop?Putting the Pieces Together and :
Dr. Phil's 2 cents are here I think the guy that wrote this article is a shit wipe. Dr. Phil's opinion is pretty savvy.
Anyways....go to
NARTH Homepage: National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality if you want to know more about Homosexuality and read other interesting articles.. Dive in you....