Yes, There's MORE Brother Micah

Mar 17, 2007 14:34

Oh look! We made it onto Brother Micah's message board!

I'm kind of disappointed that he left out some of the details. Hell, he didn't even talk about the guy who showed up dressed in a devil costume or the gay guy giving him a banana with a condom!

This week while I was in Florida, Stacey and I kept making Brother Micah jokes. The universal response to end any argument is "Brother Micah says you're going to HELL!" (And you have to gesture like you're about to hurl a Bible, a la Brother Micah. Even if mine's a Baptist trick Bible.)

Hey God: some chlorine in the gene pool here in the south, please? I think Brother Micah's a product of too much Southern Inbreeding, which is known to cause a significant reduction in brain volume and therefore in capacity for such neurological/intellectual functions as compassion and logic. I think we have a new subspecies of human: Homo intolerantus pseudobiblicus. Open season on fanatics, folks! If we're already going to hell, we might as well go for murder, don'tcha think?

christianity, brother micah, religion

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