Nov 19, 2006 23:36
RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.
1) I'm afraid of mulberry trees. No I'm not kidding, and its not funny either. Lets see how you feel when you bump a mulberry tree and hundreds of silk moth larvae drop on you.
2) When eating a meal with multiple dishes like chinese or tapas, I eat all of one thing and then move on, and never mix them.
3) I refuse to read novels in a series out of order no matter how much I like the books.
4) I can't remember things I see as much as 30 seconds later, but I can quote back word for word anything from conversations or tv or movies or songs as much as ten years later. Not with everything but at least most things.
5) I suffer from a medical condition known as tinnitus. So if i don't respond when you say something I'm not ignoring you, I simply can't hear you. Unless I really am ignoring you.
6) I sometimes get sad that I can't talk music with anybody because my tastes are so eccentric that nobody has ever heard of most of my favorite artists.
7) I don't like my name. It's old fashioned, stodgy and dull, and my middle name represents a religion I loathe and abhor and that has done everything possible to destroy or degrade my religion.
8) I was literally dropped on my head as a child and still have the two inch long dent in my head as a result. ask to feel it some time it'll really creep you out. and it explains why I'm so weird.
9) My dad's family has strange genetics. six generations and 19 childbirths and all of them were boys. We all look very similar beyond even standard deviations of probability, we score off the charts on mathematical acumen and all have reputations for bad puns....... now it could just be a kooky idea but am i the only one worried about illegal cloning experiments goin g on here?
10) I'm almost always dreadully lonely. I don't fit in even amongst you who i call my friends, I'm not the sort of person who gets invited to parties, or even just to go walking around downtown. I've been single for longer than I'd like to admit and for all the wisecracking and the jokes, i'm incredibly tired of being the funny guy. Great demonstration right here, I don't have six people to pass this on to.