Nov 29, 2008 15:55
Well. Like the many "twigh-tards" out there, My friend and I went to see the Twilight on it's debut night. Now cmes the fun part. My review which clearly means nothing to others....I'm just gonna put my opinions out there.
- Edward. Could have been better.. His expressions..Perfect. But, well, I dunno....something about him just bugged me.
- Bella. UGH EWWWW. She was too boring. She's good in intense situations. (See: Ballet studio)
- Jacob. BLAHBLAHBLAHHAIRWASDISGUSTING. Taylor did the part better than i expected.
- Alice. Reeeallly good. I loved her. She had all of Alice's mannerisms down pat.
- Jasper. Good. Had like, absolutely NO lines, but good. His expressions did it all
- Carlisle. Good. But when he smiled, he reminded me of some sort of pedophile. xD
- Emmet. AMAZING. Once again, not much dialogue, but his expressions, movements...great.
- Esme. Barely in the film.
- Rosalie. Not as pretty as I had imagined, but good. Very good.
-The movie in all, was better than I had anticipated. More realistic than the book, which was what I was hoping for.
Okay. that's all. But PLEASE, "Twigh-tards." don't come maul me for this post. JUST MY OPINION.
-- I'm out.