
Sep 21, 2010 16:50

Its been a few days since my last post, so I thought id just put a few new things up that I have been upto the past week.

well I tried my paw at bricklaying and I think it came out pretty niely. I can see a few flaws here and there, but considering I had never done it before I think it came out nicely

Its about 4'x9' with red brick. I do have alot of pics of it in progress, I just have to upload em and post the link here.
For today I will be putting plywood on the ceiling and getting it nailed into place.
I discovered a way to hang the sheets up by just myself as my mate is down with his hurt fingers still.
I put a 2x4 on the wall near where the sheet would rest against, then 2 2x4 swing arms on either side of the sheet I was working on, then once I slid the piece into the top groove, the arms held it in place while I put some screws in it to keep it where it needed to be.
Im going for a really dark looking ceiling as I am trying to create my dream kitchen if you will, all none electric, and so I want a dark ceiling as I will be useing a wood stove and another stove next to it that will be used for heat when we arent cooking. So im gonna sand the plywood and stain it with a super dark mahagony stain, and where the sheets meet I am going to put strips of 1x4 trim painted black.
ive already got most of what I need, so its just a mtter of getting it done.
Ive been staying up till from 3-6 am every morning so I can work on it after im done with toy making. its kind of my reward to myself for getting my butt in gear with work, and its good exercise aswell.

we also pickedup a sellers cabinet recently from the antique store, my mate used alot of his change he had stored up for awhile and we did some tradeing, so it only cost us about 6 bucks out of the account, so thats a good deal :o)

welp, im back off to work, be well all :)

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