Mar 27, 2007 06:49
Taking a very quick break from my history of american military policy study-rama! I don't know why i do this to myself...i wait until the last minute and study my brains out. I usually make a B at worse...but i could definitely be a 4.0 student..but just can't motivate myself until the pressure is really on. I've been thinking more and more about taking a mini-break from school. I'm just tired of all of it, and its harder and harder for me to motivate myself. I thought of maybe doing this volunteering program through Vista volunteers. I would just be sent somewhere here in the U.S. to do volunteer work...kind of like an internship of sorts with meager pay. I'm just not sure. Not only that, i have about a month to figure out what i want to do exactly with my major. I've really been thinking about teaching. I would love more than anything to do U.N. work, but i just don't think i'm really cut out for it. I love history, i could teach it, and it wouldnt' be hard to load up on history classes to get that as a second major to sociology. The plan if i go that route, is to get my masters while teaching through a program A&M offers. Takes 3-4 years, night school and teaching in an inner city school...but i think i would love that too. CRISIS!!!!
So i had been having this reoccurring dream with George Clooney where we are discussing the importance of yellow canaries. And then he invites me upstairs (we're in his basement, idk why) and he makes me spaghetti. Its weird...didn't have it for like 2 months...and yesterday..BAM had it again during a nap. I'm not sure what it means.
Easter is coming up soon, which i'm very excited about. minus the fact that i have three tests (possibly just two because one class is behind) the week that it starts. A&M is a dirty whore and instead of a lovely 4 day weekend we only get 3. Beggars can't be choosers i guess.
Heres me hoping that all goes well on my history test today. Its over WWI, Imperial Wars, WWII, and the Modernization of Military policies. The problem. I live and breath by the "Hitler channel" (otherwise known as the History Channel), so WWI and WWII piece of cake... I know most of these wars like the back of my hand..seeing as how i adore american history....which is just one long never ending "us against them" scenario.