"Pampers melt in a Maytag dryer, Crayons go up one drawer higher, rewind Barney for the 15th time"

Oct 13, 2004 09:36

havent updated in awhile so this may b long....hmmm

...Sunday... was my first day at work, it was actually pretty fun cause i worked with Laura and Ryan and Ryans new too so that was cool.  Me and Laura are officially not allowed to play with tape anymore lol and on friday when i work again i have to work the register and Ryan gets a 3 hour break  :-(

...Monday...i dont think much happened on Monday but i know something imporetant did, damnit y cant i think...(dont answer that)

...Tuesday... i had a tennis match against O'Hara, i won woot woot. but i got so beat up right now im icing my leg. i have a HUGE scrape on the outside of my left leg wich will soon enough turn into a black and blue and if im really lucky a scar *yay* and on the inside of the same leg i have not one but three black and blues grrrrr (at least when  i fell i got the point wich i must say was pretty awesome) and i have a game today too so this be fun

...Last Night... was the Bonner College Fair wich i told myself i wouldn't go to but ended up goin anyway wich was cool i guess because i saw a lot of my friends there and it wasn't as a gay as i thought it would be, afterwards me Dana, Michelle, Caroline, Joe and Tony tried to play football ans then went to Dairy Queen it was fun time lol...I KNOW TONY'S MIDDLE NAME!!!!!! HA!

today i dont have school cause if the PSAT crappers but yea some im stuck here alone wich i hate so if anyone wants to stop by ur more than welcome to

-crazy wedding on Saturday
-Dad Daughter Dance Oct. 22
-Christmas Dance December 10 (i still need a date)
-i may get my permit b4 Christmas break :-)
-November 8...my birthday and yellowcard concert

aight im done ttyl *daniella
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