Jan 23, 2004 21:30
hey every1!!!,
i swear i am so confused right now!!!!!!!! ok heres it my friend likes this guy and she has liked him for a while now and he likes her and all.....and see im startn to like him!!!!! ughhhh!!! but then again i dont like him!!! i only like him cuz of how he treats her....he is a sweetheart to her!!! and i swear when i saw him i made the biggest ditz of miself!!!! i was all flirty! and all that crap!!! i mean wut the freak was goin through my mind!!!! im an idiot!!!! and im so lost and all....cuz i still like sum1 else....but he hates me!!!! (and no its not craig!!) ughhhhhh i hate luv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i kno i have completely lost mi chance w/ the guy i like! i blew it!!! im an idiot!!!!!!! uhhhhhh!!!
luv ya'll,