Feb 20, 2006 20:10
She has been on the phone with my grandma for at least a half hour debating homosexuality.
One of my cousins (Stephanie) recently "came out" to them (actually my mom accidentally let it slip).
"I have to keep telling you, I don't feel the same way as you do. There's many successful gay people. Teachers, designers, bankers, athletes, and they're not recruiting straight people to their side. It's just who they are. And i just think... love is good. It's not free will, there are gay animals. Yes mom, I'm not making that up. I know you can quote the bible better than me, and if i researched enough i could throw statistics right back at you. I'm not saying acceptance, just TOLERATE."
Just about three minutes of the LONG conversation that's sitting next to me. My grandma's really Catholic. I am so proud my mom can stand up to her and tell her her beliefs. No one else is willing to stand up for my cousin. I've never seen my mom as a huge liberal, but she is full of her beliefs and I love this one she has. This is so hard for her, I can hear it in her voice.
It's amazing how far I feel from my grandma right now. It's not her fault, I know. The huge generation gap... If i can even say that. Everyone I am friends with, can at least tolerate gays. I completely support it. I guess...
Well i just can't focus on my 6 page paper on Affirmative Action because there's a passionate telephone call five feet away from me.