Jan 26, 2009 15:07

Title: 56
Author: dephi
Pairing: Pitego
Rating: R to be safe
Disclaimer: Own the plot, not the characters
Summary: Not everything could go easily even after they've met officially.
Notes: Short again and unbeta-ed. I'll be back later to beta this. A sequel of 25. Dedicated to yuyako16 as she's the one requesting this... :)

For him, nothing had ever gone as what he had initially planned.

It was purely accidental when he set his eyes on the small feminine guy for his company that night. And when they ended up in the closet, he didn't know that the addiction was too hard to resist as when he realized it, he had been asking for more over and over without him able to control it.

There was this strange sensation he always felt whenever he kissed the red lips while his hand were travelling over the bare skin. He loved it all, never failed to claim one part of it each time.

Their only contact was through the cell phone. He had to hide his excitement every time he pressed the number. It was always the same short message without much thinking. As long as both of them understood the real meaning, it was done.

It was always the boy coming earlier and waited him, only to be ravished when he opened the door from him. The soft moaned coming out from the smaller boy's mouth was the tune he chose as his favourite. Everything was perfect.

...or at least that was what he always thought. It was not under his consciousness that he always left some marks on some parts each time, as if he was trying to say that it was his. But it wasn't. He didn't even realize how he tended to treat the slim boy tenderly, just like how he treated a fragile porcelain doll. Lovers? No, they were just fucking each other, so love was not the thing.

And now he could only stare at the same boy in a formal clothes sitting in the other side of his table while a file was right in front of him. It was purely not his intention to secretly observe the latter a few times, how the other licked his lip in nervousness, or how he put his gaze on the floor.

Right, it had been a week since they met again. It had been a week since the latter started working on his company. It had been a week since they introduced themselves properly. And it was also their 30th meeting.

Nothing had happened between them since that day other than some simple chats about their works.


From a week to another month. He kept his act the same. Their relationship was just like that of a boss and his worker since that was the fact. He just didn't want to acknowledge that there was something deeper actually happened between them.

He observed the feminine guy over and over. Yes, he said that he decided to cut it all, but he just couldn't get over it just yet. He knew the smaller boy more now, how his genuine smile was so sweet although it had never been meant for him, how he was shining compared to others, at least in his eyes. But he still didn't want to admit his doing.

It had already been more than a month when he saw the boy acting too close and touchy with another worker. He saw it, yet he kept the same expressionless face still. It was none of his business as his connection with that boy was initially meant only for fun.

But it was actually just an excuse he used as he suddenly pulled the boy into a private room when the latter was walking through the quiet hall. The boy's eyes were widened in shock when he sealed their lips roughly. He stopped after a while and stared at the boy with his lustful eyes. The latter was about to say something when he crushed his mouth into the other's. His tongue was roaming inside the boy's mouth, trying to devour every side of it completely, while his left hand was exploring the skin inside the boy's shirt before he slowly started unbuttoning it.

When he had finished with the shirt, he went on to the lower part. The kissed was immediately stopped due to the need of air while he gazed upon the other's eyes. It was full of anger and shock. He didn't really care about it as he continued with the neck.

But something was different. He couldn't hear the same seductive moan anymore even though he had given some teases. But he was way too persistent to give up as he trailed his kisses all around the boy's body and bit a small part of the latter's back. A smirk eventually appeared for a second as he finally heard what he wanted before he continued doing his business.

The boy was fully naked at last. He had already lost his rational mind as the only thing inside his brain was the word punishment. Without any preparation, he came into the smaller boy, resulting a loud scream of pain.

The next thing was heard was heavy breaths before he fixed his own clothes and left the latter alone inside the room within his soft sobs.

It was on their 55th meeting that he finally broke his own decision and fucked the latter hard for the first time.


The boy never showed his face anymore since that day. Strangely, he didn't even feel it wrong at all. No letter of resignation, not even any notice about him being absent.

He didn't really mind it.

But the longer he wasn't able to see the beautiful boy anymore, the emptier his heart became. When he realized it, he always looked at the boy's spot whenever he arrived at his office, hopping that the latter would turn up some time. But he didn't.

It had been more than a week since that day and he was on the same bar again together with his friends. They said that he was too captivated by the boy and he should look for other to toy with. Someone who wouldn't be as troublesome as the slim boy. And here he was, faking his smile in front of a girl with her tight dress. They would end up somewhere soon anyway so he didn't bother to do anything anymore.

He just lost his interest.

The girl was whispering something seductively when he caught the same figure again. Their eyes were suddenly met for a few seconds before the boy suddenly walked away, leaving the room. It didn't take long for him to stand up while the girl was kissing his neck, resulting on a groan from her mouth. He didn't even say a thing anymore as he eventually went away in search of the latter.

He kept following the boy even after they were already outside on the road. The boy fastened his steps while he simply did the same. It was until they reached a certain spot in front of an apartment building that the smaller one stopped.

"Stop following me! What did you want? Fucking me? Haven't you been satisfied enough?" the boy asked with eyes full of hatred as his body was shaking.

It left him frowned. What did the latter mean for him? He just didn't know anymore. The more he saw the beautiful face, the more he wanted it, until he finally jumped into a conclusion.

"I want you." he stated, short but clear. "I don't want you to be with others, I don't want anyone else touch you. Yamashita Tomohisa simply wants Tegoshi Yuya as his, not other's."

No response was given at first. One minute, two, three... A small smile suddenly appeared in the latter's mouth. "I guess I should take that as a confession?" the boy let out a chuckle before motioning himself going inside the building. "I am yours, I guess. Just claim it soon."

With that he followed the boy with a relieving smile plastered on his mouth.

It was their 56th meeting and also the first time for them not just fucking each other, but something deeper and more meaningful than that...

E/N: Sorry if this is so messy since I haven't had the time to beta this yet. I'm still using my sister's laptop, and I don't think it's wise to leave my draft saved in her laptop... :P It's been beta-ed, I guess... :D
Hope this sequel isn't a bad one... D:
P/s: to hanny2luv, in case you happen to read it again, I guess I should start giving weird titles so you'll be interested to read... :P
So, happy chinese new year...^^

r : r, g : angst, *oneshot, p : tegoshi yuya/yamashita tomohisa

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