Love & Truth - Part 2

Dec 18, 2008 13:45

Title: Love and Truth
Author: dephi
Pairing: RyoDa, Ryo/OC
Rating: PG - 13 for the angst
Disclaimer: Own the plot, not the people, title taken from Yui's song
Summary: Ryo and Nana were childhood friends and as the grew up, Nana started to have a deeper feeling of Ryo while the said person didn't seem to realize it. Desperate, Nana decided to bring Ueda Tatsuya here to help her, although the result might not be as what she had wanted to have.
A/N: There's still the 3rd/last part

It had been days since the start of what Ryo called as Ueda's tormenting project. Rather than being labeled as a tormenting project, it was more like a childish act from Ryo while Ueda seemed to simply enjoy the entertainment Ryo showed to him. Then where's Nana? As a part of her plan, Nana decided to avoid meeting Ryo while Ueda was in action. Nana had bet everything for this especially when she had decided that this would be the last time she tried this so she gave her best efforts to make it succeed. There was Ueda there so Nana could feel a bit rest assured as she trusted Ueda so much.

It was quite a coincidence that Nana met Ueda. Nana could still perfectly remember how she saw a beautiful girl wearing a white dress, full of ribbon, when she was sightseeing the drama club. Nana had quite a big confidence of her appearance, but when she saw this girl she lost her confidence completely. It turned out to be so shocking when it was revealed that the girl wearing the white dress was actually a boy, moreover how he looked extremely beautiful in those dress. Even girls would admit it.

Nana hated him. That was the first thing came into her mind when they first met. Nana was used to people admiring her, thinking of how to be one of her clique, but now this feminine guy took over her spot completely. She didn't expect to lose her crown easily just to some mere guy? Nana wouldn't let her pride fell down no matter what.

But it turned out that this feminine guy was way nicer than she thought he is. Nana had tried bullying him for a while in vain, given that he was her senior, moreover those hot friends he had always had around with. But what most surprised her was the fact that this guy named Ueda Tatsuya actually knew her rash acts while simply letting her kept trying with all means she had. Nana found it most insulting yet she couldn't do much about it. When she tried to confront him, the result was that they started being good friends naturally. It was strange indeed and Nana couldn't think about it rationally, but it happened. And Nana was definitely feeling rather used to it eventually. Of course it was pretty amusing how Nana was able to get a bit more freedom while Ueda did the covering up. He was the friend she most needed. And that was why she decided to ask for Ueda's help as her last option.

And back to the usual normal days, Ryo was back to Nana's school, again, not waiting for Nana but for Ueda instead. Ueda himself, with his friends, had grown used to Ryo's strange behaviour and they somehow kept waiting for what kind of acts Ryo would put every single day. Ryo didn't seem to be giving up though, although it seemed like no matter what he did, Ueda wouldn't be effected by it. Of course there was a slight annoyance which was clearly seen in Ueda's face every time Ryo started his tormenting acts, but Ueda always managed to get it back to Ryo, be it by his own self, or by helps from his friends. Being the high prided guy he was, Ryo didn't think of giving up eve once and kept trying to reach his determination. His pride was at stake so he couldn't let himself lost against this feminine guy named Ueda Tatsuya.

But eventually, due to the meeting they had each days, both Ueda and Ryo had started to understand each others' habit. They might even be called as friends, in a different meaning of course, although none of them would admit it at all. They mocked each other, gave death glares whenever they met, and sometimes even fought physically although there would be some other people who were ready to end those stupid fights immediately. It suddenly become one of the ritual each of them had to go through every single day and strangely none of them felt strange by it, at least Ryo didn't feel that. Through those understanding, perhaps they had even become one of the best friends of each other or even, there was a feeling more than that.

Ryo had realized it for a while, how his face turned into red a few times because of the words Ueda threw to him, or how he couldn't stop admiring Ueda's smile whenever it appeared. But of course he wouldn't admit it, not even in a million years, or at least that was what he thought. The feeling might grow bigger each days, and before Ryo realized it, he couldn't stop the growth of it anymore. Unfortunately, he decided to ignore his feeling completely while thinking that it was just a stupid kind of feeling which would disappear eventually.

But it's not. In fact what Ryo wished didn't come true. What he knew was he blushed even more that he used to. It grew so big until he couldn't stop it anymore…

"What is wrong with you anyway, Nishikido?" suddenly Ryo heard Ueda's voice which reminded him that he was currently at Nana's school as usual. The fact that Ryo was stunned while Ueda simply looking at him made a shade of pink appeared in Ryo's face again, although the said person turned his head around immediately ho hide his embarrassment.

"Nothing. You, you!"

"What is wrong with me?" Ueda asked right when Ryo turned his head back, only to see Ueda's cute face looking at him. Okay, everything about Ueda seemed to be so cute in Ryo's face now.

"No-Nothing. I am just amazed of how you are able to look so feminine when you are a guy." Ryo said randomly although that was not what he actually wanted to say initially.

A sigh was heard from Ueda's mouth before Ueda himself shook his head. "You don't seem to be that gentle yourself in my eyes, Nishikido."

"Well at least I am much better than you do." Ryo retorted, both eyes were set on Ueda.

Ueda sent his glare immediately to Ryo as he heard that. The unprepared Ryo made a pink shade appeared in both cheeks though Ueda didn't notice it, which was so fortunate for Ryo. "I notice that you haven't grown up yet, Nishikido. Ah well, you've entertained me enough for now."

"And what did you exactly mean by that? Don't say you see me as one of the monkey who jump from one tree to another." Ryo said, trying to hide his embarrassment while at the same time to get back on Ueda.

That sentence managed to make Ueda laugh, although it was the forced one. "Nice try, Nishikido. It didn't manage to amuse me, though." Ueda commented in a sarcastic tone. "But maybe, you are one, monkey. I am glad that you admitted it yourself." he chuckled.

Ryo's face turned into red again when he heard that. This time it was not only because of his unadmitted admiration of Ueda, but also of his embarrassment. "Y-You!" he murmured, eyes turning even wider than ever. But that kind of attitude only made Ueda laughed even harder while Ryo eventually laughed at the end with the so-called-enemy of his.


"Nee, Tat - chan, how have things been doing?" Nana asked while clinging into Ueda during the break time. Of course, the boyfriend thing was just a camouflage thing, but just in case, they had to act like they were one. They didn't need to declare anything, everyone knew that Nana tended to stay with Ueda, even before they had started all of these lies, so they thought that it was only a matter of time that both Nana and Ueda would become a thing. It broke others' heart of course, either girls or boys. There are even some boys who had a thing on Ueda, whose appearance and posture really similar to that of girl, and hated Nana for being all clingy to Ueda.

There was this main reason why Nana asked Ueda's help, not some other guy. Nana knew that Ueda was actually a gay. Well, he had never admitted it, but there was this story about this boy whom Ueda used to fought with when they were small, but he moved away due to some circumstances. There were no other details about the story, but Ueda kept re-telling this story a few times until Nana created her own conclusion. She had no worry if Ueda would snatch Ryo from her either as she knew that Ueda wouldn't cheat over his friend. That was the kind of person he was so Nana had a faith of him. But if only she knew...

"Well, still as ever. I think you had better to start your own move soon, Nana. He doesn't seem to be affected by me that much anymore. Just beware, or someone else would snatch him first." Ueda replied.

"Hmm.. I can still win over the girls. Don't worry. I have a big confidence on that." Nana said before licking the ice cream she was holding.

"Girls, huh?" Ueda said as an ironic smile appeared in his face.

"Why, Tat - chan?"

"Nothing. It's nothing. Good luck. I can only give that for you."


Ryo walked through the park as the school ended. He didn't go to Nana's school as what he usually did, strangely. The protective feeling had disappeared when Ryo realized it. Ryo didn't know why but he seemed to have accepted the fact that Nana was not the same Nana he used to know anymore. But strangely, he had to accept that he felt a bit strange by the relationship. It was not about Nana anymore, it was Ueda.

As the time went by, he became even more sure that he had met Ueda, somewhere, but he couldn't seem to remember it at all. Besides, Ueda himself didn't seem to notice Ryo at all. So he shouldn't have been bothered by it that much. But, he did.

So it was not about Nana, but about Ueda. No matter how much Ryo wanted to deny it, that was the fact, whether he liked it or not.

Ryo continued his walk around the park when he felt the wind blew stronger. The book he held in his hand fell down since Ryo didn't hold it tightly, so he bent down to take his book again. Right at the same time, the wind blew again, and when Ryo was trying to continue his walk, he found the sight of Ueda again.

He was torn between approaching Ueda and greeting him as he usually did, or continuing his walk while acting as he didn't see Ueda. Another wind blew again when both of Ryo's eyes were set on Ueda. The thought of beautiful popped up into Ryo's mind which made him blushed. He shook his head a few times before walked steadily to Ueda's direction. Ryo had nothing of that kind of feeling right, so he shouldn't have avoided meeting him.

"Oh, Nishikido. It's pretty rare seeing you here." Ueda greeted even before Ryo was able to. Right at the same time the wind blew again, which made Ryo lost his rational brain immediately.

"I like you."

A moment later the embarrassed Ryo, who had finally realized his stupidity, covered his mouth with both hands. That was so foolish of him but secretly he expected Ueda to give a good reaction. But, he didn't.

"But you shouldn't." The reply came too fast. For a second Ryo was sure that there was this shocked expression on Ueda's face, which was quite expected, but it disappeared in an instant while Ueda regained his composure again.

Feeling disappointed, Ryo couldn't help to feel curious of the reason Ueda had. "Why?"

"Nana." it was a simple answer yet meaningful. Guilt filled Ryo immediately although what Ueda really meant was not what he thought the reason was. "Besides... You have forgotten me."

Ryo was left stunned with the thought about Nana until Ueda mentioned about forgetting him. How could Ryo forget him if he had never met Ueda at the first place?

"What did you mean by that?"

Ueda remained silent. The same expression stayed still on his face while he simply stared at Ryo. Ryo couldn't read anything from that face which made him even more curious than ever.

"Never mind. But I guess you will take back your words when you have realized the truth, Nishikido." Ueda smiled for the last time before turning away, leaving the dumbfounded Ryo.

Little did they know that Nana was actually there, watching the whole scene behind a big tree.

g : angst, *oneshot, p : nishikido ryo/oc, r : pg-13, p : nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya

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