Masterpiece [Chapter 6]

Nov 25, 2008 20:36

Title: Masterpiece
Author: dephi
Pairing: RyoDa, KameDa somehow, more to come
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: PG - 13 for now
Disclaimer : Humm.. I own the plot for sure, and maybe Toshi? Hihihi... :)
Summary: It took place in Japan, where the rich and the poor had their own societies. There were parties everywhere for the rich. Nishikido Ryo was one of the rich people, an honorable person, the heir of a big corporation, yet he had his own family secret, an unthinkable one. Here came Ueda Tatsuya who stepped into his life, an innocent guy who did not know that his decision would bring him to a totally different world that he never imagined before.
Notes: Beta-ed by annatanhe

"Now, would you like to tell me what the hell was happening, Akanishi?" Kame questioned. The four of them, Kamenashi, Kusano, Pi, and Jin, were currently at another different place after the unexpected meeting in front of Sakamoto's house. The sudden appearance of Jin created big question marks in the other three, well actually two since Kusano was more pissed off than confused by Jin's appearance. The casual way Jin appeared struck up the curiosity in them and that was why Kame wanted to get something out of Jin, which, hopefully, would be pretty useful for them.

"About what?" Jin questioned, not really getting the idea of what Kame was asking him, nor did he realize that Pi and Kusano was also staring at him, demanding for a significant reason. He took a long sip of the juice he had ordered previously while looking at Kame with his famous puppy eyes.

"How did you get there? In front of Sakamoto's resident, no, actually how did you manage to go near our car? How did you even know that we were going to Sakamoto’s residence?" Pi gave the question this time, staring at Jin with a serious look. For Pi, no, for the three of them, there were lots of questions popping out as Jin was just suddenly there and not to mention how their plan had failed. Everything was so strange from the start; how Sakamoto put his identity (although only from his stamp at the paper), how the security was not as tight as they had expected, and how Tatsuya was not there, as if he had vanished somewhere. "Do you have any connection with our failure earlier?"

"Eh, you failed in what?" Jin asked in confusion. It was an honest question although it seemed like a mockery from Jin for the three. But Jin was not called a baka for nothing. He still couldn’t read the situation perfectly although Kusano was glaring at him as if he wanted to chop Jin up immediately already.

"Stop fooling around with us, Akanishi. I am sure you get what we mean, or at least what Yamashita had questioned earlier. Now answer the questions! " Kame demanded in an angry tone while glaring at Jin. "…and tell me whether you know where Ueda is now. In case you are going to act all dumb again, let me tell you that we were unable to find Ueda at the place we had assumed he was at."

Being the bakanishi he was, Jin couldn't really catch what the others had meant earlier but it seemed like the others thought that he was just acting dumb and started to get mad at him while the said person still got no idea of what was happening. Luckily Jin could still think clear enough to answer Kame's question without questioning any further or throwing another stupid remarks which would worsen the current situation even more and god knew that Jin might lose his life soon if he didn’t tell everything he knew as soon as possible.

"W-Well.. You told me that you guys were going to save Ueda, right?"

"Exactly, and what does that got to do with this, Bakanishi?" Kusano spoke up this time.

"Stop calling me Baka, devil Kusano!" Jin retorted, glaring at Kusano before he heard Kame clearing his throat. "Uhh, well... I-I've told you right, I believe in Ryo."

"And the point is?" Pi asked.

Jin had to look at the other three before taking another long sip of his juice nervously. He placed the glass back to the table before finally putting a serious look on his face. "Ueda is with Ryo now..."


"Ryo - chan, aren't you going to do anything about this? U-Ueda is missing." Jin questioned right after he returned back to Ryo's room. "What are you planning to do with him actually, Ryo? He's not your doll, not your possession."

Ryo remained silent which didn't provide any reasonable answer for the curious Jin. Biting his lower lip, Jin walked closer to Ryo's desk. "Why don't you say anything, Ryo?"

Although Jin had desperately asked Ryo to give him any answer, Ryo still kept his cold stance and said nothing about it. That was the nature about his cousin and Jin knew that well, too well. Jin was the one who said that he trusts Ryo yet he was getting too impatient for a response from him. Perhaps dragging Tatsuya into this kind of 'business' was a big mistake in the first place. Tatsuya didn't belong in this world. Even the usual bakanishi could feel that well. If this carried on, the 'fragile' Tatsuya would be broken in no time. That was why Jin wondered why Ryo had dragged him into this, not just as someone he found useful, but as something else, something that not even Jin could describe.

Jin was about to open his mouth again when the phone beside Ryo rang. Somehow a sigh of relief came from Jin's mouth while he waited for Ryo to finish talking on the phone with who-knows-who. The situation had been so tense and it was not Jin's nature to keep acting all serious so his act earlier tired him out.

Thinking about that made Jin lost in his own thoughts until he didn't even realize it when Ryo had hung up. What he knew was that Ryo suddenly stood up and reached the door. Ryo opened the door then he stopped, turning back to face Jin. "Are you coming or what?"

Jin had no idea where or why Ryo was going to go but one thing was for sure, he would have to follow Ryo if he wanted to understand everything. Then so be it...


Jin didn't know how long they had been in the car until the car stopped in a certain place. When Jin stepped out of the car, what was awaiting him was a grand house. Jin couldn't help but to stare at it in amazement. In actual fact, Ryo's house or even his own house were both around the same size of this one but Jin always felt amazed over something he had just met or seen.

Some maids were lining up in both sides of the main door, greeting them, while at the corner of the left line there was a man who should be the head butler judging from his appearance. That butler gave a little bow before saying something in a low voice with Ryo. Right after that the butler started walking while Ryo simply followed him, leaving Jin with no choice but to follow them too although he had a bad feeling about this, especially when Ryo didn’t say anything to him.

They kept walking along the hall and Jin had to gasp a few times whenever he saw some antiques along the way. Jin might be quite a baka but he knew how to appreciate art well, at least he could understand the value of art pieces. The walk continued until they reached a door. The craftwork on the door was magnificent and that left Jin amazed by it for a moment before he realized that this door should be one that leads to the house owner's room. The butler knocked the door a few times before opening it and Jin had to gasp even louder when he saw who was inside. The president of Sakamoto! He had never thought that of all people, it had to be Sakamoto’s residence. Jin knew him as one of the rivals, if not the biggest rival, of Ryo's company. But why the hell did Ryo want to meet him?

"Hello, Nishikido. It's nice to see you here." Sakamoto greeted as soon as Ryo stepped into the room as if he had been waiting for Ryo’s arrival all along which turned out to be a big surprise for Jin, especially since Ryo didn’t seem to be influenced at all. His face expression was still as cold as ever.

"What do you want Sakamoto?" Ryo said while taking a piece of paper, which turned out to be the paper which told them that Tatsuya was kidnapped earlier, and placed it on the desk in front of Sakamoto. "You have something up your sleeves huh since you didn’t even bother to hide your identity. "

Sakamoto only took a short glance at the paper before looking back at Ryo, still with a smirk which Jin really wanted to erase from his face. "Oh that. So, what are you going to do, Nishikido? Or, what do you want from me?"

"Return him." Ryo said in a cold tone.

Sakamoto laughed loudly when he heard Ryo's threat before staring at Ryo. "I didn't know that you couldn't take this kind of joke, Nishikido. So let's see, what can you offer me? Remember, I have my own money so I don't need you to buy me anything."

No words were exchanged after that and our poor Jin still had no clue of what was happening. He knew that the paper was the same paper he saw earlier at Ryo's house, but why did Ryo show that paper to Sakamoto? Could it be that Ryo was asking for Sakamoto's help? But that was impossible because of Ryo's high dignity. And the conversation... Jin couldn't catch the meaning of their conversation at all which made him look like a fool (as if he was not baka enough).

A shocking thing happened not long after that when Ryo suddenly bent his body forward and bowed to Sakamoto. It seemed like Sakamoto himself was surprised for a second before his mouth curved into a smirk again. "That was unexpected but satisfying enough. Is he that important to you? Not that I need the answer though." Sakamoto remarked before he gave a sign to his butler. "Bring him to this Nishikido's car. And nice to meet you, Nishikido. Have a nice day."

Ryo started to walk away, reaching the door, but before he stepped out he gave a last glare to Sakamoto. "A few people might come later. Just let them go..."

"Well, my pleasure. Unless they take a long time. But consider your wish fulfilled. No harm would be done to them.”

Jin was too shocked to say anything so he just followed Ryo when the said person stepped outside the room and walked through the same hall again until they reached where Ryo's car was parked. But Jin managed to notice that there was someone else inside the car, which turned out to be the unconscious Tatsuya.

"Are you coming or what Jin?" Ryo questioned when Jin didn't step into the car immediately.

"Earlier... You said that a few people will come here right, Ryo - chan? Then I'll stay here, and greet them." Jin said with determination.

Ryo stared at Jin without any changes in his facial expression. "Do whatever you like." he said before the car's engine was started, leaving Jin alone...


There was a long silence after Jin had finished his story as the other three were still trying to digest it properly. That was not what Kame, Kusano or Pi had expected. The cold hearted Ryo… And perhaps there were more complicated feelings inside Kame’s heart, about losing to his rival.

"Oh my. I was wrong Jin..." Pi murmured, realizing that he had made a grave mistake for not believing in Ryo when he himself knew that Ryo had difficulties in expressing his feelings.

Suddenly Kame stood up and started to walk away. Kusano, as usual, stood up and followed Kame from behind.

"Where are you going, Kazu - chan?" Jin questioned.

"Home. There's nothing I can do anyway. Please send my regards to Nishikido." Kame said in a cold tone before leaving the restaurant, followed by Kusano.

I admit my loss now, Nishikido. But I won't back off again next time...


"Are you satisfied now, Sawajiri ojou - sama?"

Erika glared at the other before taking a sip of her juice. "Not really. I still believe that Nishikido is just using my cousin, Sakamoto."

Sakamoto glanced at the pissed princess while sipping his own drink. A smile curving up in his mouth as he recalled the amusing entertainment he got earlier. Seeing Nishikido in that pathetic state sure was an eye-opener and it was all thanks to the proud princess here. It could be the only chance he had, to see the proud Nishikido Ryo throwing out his pride for others. "But he neglected his own pride for that. Come to think of it, you've put your own cousin in danger. Well not particularly danger, but it is not something cousins usually do." Sakamoto said, waiting for Erika’s reaction.

"I know, Sakamoto. I know..." Erika said while biting her nails. "I don't want him to be hurt but I chose the harsh path. Whatever. I'm quite impressed that you cooperated with me anyway."

"Well, I did get some entertainment. And the princess had asked me personally, how could I possibly refuse it?"

"Whatever. I still feel grateful for that, even just for a bit..." Erika murmured before she reached the door.

"And what are you going to do after this, Sawajiri ojou - sama? Observe him? I thought you told your cousin that you would be away in another country for a while. What do you think your cousin will think if he sees you now? "Sakamoto asked with a smirk.

"That’s my problem, Sakamoto. Not yours. You might want to poke your nose into this matter. I do not really care unless you get in my way. " Erika warned before she finally left the room.

"Well well. Of course I will not interfere with this kind of matter, ojou - sama. But I will watch. There is no way I am going to ignore this show right? "Sakamoto said to himself when Erika was finally away before throwing a silent laugh.


It was finally another morning and Tatsuya was at his university again, daydreaming at the library. Thankfully people thought that he was so into his project so they ignored Tatsuya's strange behaviour. Besides, they didn't want to create any problems with Sawajiri Erika's cousin, given how scary Erika was when she was angry.

Tatsuya couldn't seem to remember what he had been doing yesterday except the fact that he was hanging out with Erika then he forgot what had happened after that but when he woke up he found himself not in his own room. What surprised him more was when suddenly the door was opened, revealing a certain guy named Nishikido Ryo who only stared at him for a long time and, strangely, acted much kinder from usual to him before sending him home. That was so strange of Ryo yet Tatsuya did not have the courage to question Ryo although he had to admit that he was curious about how he ended up in Nishikido’s residence. What the hell happened yesterday anyway…?

A sigh escaped from Tatsuya's mouth for the umpteenth time. He flipped through a few pages of the dictionary in front of him while making some notes. There was a lot of work to be done so he had no time to waste for thinking over this trivial matter. But he had no idea that he would meet someone he knew well, someone that might influence his complicated life even more, someone he considered precious…

"Eh, you are Tatsuya right, Ueda Tatsuya?" a man's voice was heard, asking for Tatsuya's attention.

Tatsuya raised his head a bit to see who it was when suddenly both of his eyes were widened. "Toma!"

~End of Chapter 6~

E/N : Sorry for the long update...*bows*
There are many scenes in this chapter if you realize it and well, I won't give any other comment about this. :D
Anyway, just wondering, well it seemed like the number of comments went down drastically at the previous chapter, so I'm just wondering, is my writing getting worse or something? Feel free to trash in since I want to improve myself too.. :D
Lastly, thanks for reading until this far ♥

g : angst, r : pg-13, *multichapter, g : romance, p : nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya

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