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Jul 25, 2012 11:44


Having complained about the Loki fic out there, I'm going to mention some Loki stories I have been enjoying.

A disclaimer. All of these are currently works-in-progress, and I find reccing wips an odd enterprise, in that I am, in a sense, reccing the story based on my hopes for it, in addition to what is already there. My rec of these stories is, therefore, actually a rec for the stories *in potentia*. Hopefully, I would rec the completed story too, but who knows!

These stories are loosely sorted from "Magnificent Bastard" to "Beautiful Woob," but all of them meet my standard for a Loki who is murderous, rather than misunderstood. That said, if the idea of a sympathetic portrayal of genocidal maniac is anathema to you, skip right down to the alternate rec set, which is Loki-free.

##Loki rec set

Given that all these stories *feature a genocidal maniac*, please heed warnings.

[The Hangman's Hands](http://archiveofourown.org/works/407293), by
Mercurie: I admire and am fiercely jealous of stories that take the long road. I don't have the patience, and there are some stories that you really can't tell (or at least, not *well*) unless you're willing to take your time. This story is willing to take its time, and I'm not sure where it's going, but I'm sure it's going to have earned it.

This story also gets points for me for writing from the point of view of Jane Foster, and making her smart enough to see through Loki, but also smart enough to be fooled by him.

I'd sum up the basic plot, but the story has covered enough ground that it'd be like trying to sum up the plot of a Dorothy Dunnet book. However, in short: Jane Foster finds herself having to deal with Loki, first for reasons of planetary security, and later, for more complex reasons.
[Agent Loki: International Agent of Mayhem](http://archiveofourown.org/series/19680), by
alys_dee: In which SHIELD decides to make Loki an asset.

I actually bailed out of this series on the first story, which, it seemed to me, was mostly about playing "gotcha" with the Avengers who were reluctant to accept Loki as a field agent. I find myself reluctant to go against the author's suggested reading order, but I think I might have had a better experience if I'd started with the second story in the series, [Eight Months of Luke](http://archiveofourown.org/works/411811). Also, if you stick with it, the third story is a Jane Foster story, and those are not so common one should overlook the good ones.

[Flying From the Blast](http://archiveofourown.org/series/20931), by
belmanoir: In which Loki and Thor go to family counselling.

This story is actually much less cracktastic than that sounds. The family counsellor is apparently a cross-over character from *Kyle XY*, a show whose name has always confused me.

(You gave him a surname based on his chromosome? A chromosome nearly *half the planet has*? Way to make him feel special. (I assume this is not actually the reason for the name: it's far too dumb. But it's the impression the name *creates*))

Back to talking about the story! The therapist works fine as an OC, and makes me think that the writer either has gone through a buttload of counselling, or has training as a counsellor; therapy isn't used as a silver-bullet, but rather a high-wire act. This story also features one of the more self-destructive Tony Starks I've seen in a story that wasn't attempting to be a tragedy, but really delicately rendered, and with great appearances by Bruce and Pepper. (I don't think it's attempting to be a tragedy? Oh WIPs, so fraught!)

##Guaranteed Loki-free stories!

And now, the bonus random teenagerification stories: stories in which selected Avengers and uh, scoobies? are randomly rendered adolescent. (It's a thing. A thing which I would have thought I hated? But actually is the best ever.) I mention the following because the do a good job of writing teenagers in a way that seems very authentic to me. Also because they are enjoyable to read.

[The Kids Weren't Alright](http://archiveofourown.org/works/411811) is actually the fourth in
lettered's [Responsible Science](http://archiveofourown.org/series/21267) series, which I have [discussed before](http://brownbetty.dreamwidth.org/567353.html). The author says she thinks you could read it without reading the rest of the series, and I think she's right, but why would you want to?
Given the title, it is maybe evident that this story is a way to explore which Avengers had the most messed up childhood. (It's a close contest.) It could easily have become gratuitous "poor baby!" but I don't think it does. I really love and admire and am fiercely jealous of the ease with which Lettered distinguishes and draws lines between the thought-processes of the Avengers' child and adult selves.
[Be Calm, Look Cute](http://archiveofourown.org/works/467543), by
pollyrepeat is a more light-hearted random teenagerification story. Turns out, sixteen-year-old agent Coulson is a *little* out of his depth with the Avengers.

If there are stories you think belong in either of these sets that I have not mentioned, I am very interested in hearing about them.

This post also on dreamwidth (

fandom: avengers, recs: fic

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