Wheee, alphabetizing!
Yesterday, I was alphabetizing my shelves, as I am prone to do under stress. (Family holidays can be stressful.) Generally, new or unshelved books are placed horizontally on the shelf in the general region of the alphabet where they belong until the strategy becomes untenable and mass alphabetization ensues.
I had a minor existential crises when I discovered my McKinley and McKillip books had become inter-shelved (inter-leaved? inter-booked?) and I spent five minutes trying to decide if I was okay being a person who alphabetizes to five places of accuracy. (It turns out, I am. Five is a totally arbitrary number, but they are quite objectively different people.)
Anyway, give me your thoughts on Alphabetization! Mc before Ma? St. as Saint? Van der Post under V or P? Does series override the importance of Alphabetical by Title within Author?
(how do I not have a "books!" icon?)
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