Commentary on
Mount Badon, my to-date only Merlin fic, as requested by
tavella I've put my commentary in green, and given them the span class "comments," which I hope makes it more accessible. If any readers would like me to make changes for accessibility, please let me know.
My wikipedia-ing, let me show you it )
Comments 8
"undecimum factum est bellum in monte, qui dicitur Agned"
"The eleventh battle happened on the mountain which is called Agned."
Now on to read the rest.
I loved this! Both the original story and the commentary.
As will become more and more apparent, I'm going with an interpretation of Arthur as Romano-Britain, that is, Brittonic, but carrying the remains of Roman culture on the island.Whee! I love Britanno-Roman Arthurs. Both because to what extent there is any historicity to the Arthurian legend, it's a Britanno-Roman war leader who managed to halt the Saxon advance, culminating at Mount Badon. And also because of something Jo Walton once said while ranting about Gildas: we write science fiction about post-apocalyptic worlds, but sub-Roman Britain *was* one (thus her irritation at Gildas for only giving us the tiniest fragments of information.) And it's true; people whose grandparents and great-grandparents were part of a world-spanning empire, and now they live among the abandoned ruins of cities and the wreckage of technology they no longer can create or understand, technology that in some cases will not be recreated for a thousand years ( ... )
Er. Sorry for the randomness.
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