odditycollector: So, has there been a Leverage fic yet called "The Blow Job"?
me: I can only hope. Please google for me, as I fear the googles.
Karen: ...yes!
Well, that was too easy.
Prompt: AU, Werewolf.
me: I was noticing the other day that there appears to be a story titled "Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves" in every fandom with f/f -- I... wot?
Karen: okay then.
That is in the summary!
me: that's kind of a waste of that title, IMO.
I mean, why wouldn't you call it the Full Moon Job or something?
The Silver Bullet Job?
Karen: Maybe that person found it as funny as I did, and just was waiting for an excuse.
:\ still.
me: A story titled The Blow Job should pretend to be about something else until the last minute and then go "nah, just fucking with ya, It's totally about oral and making lousy puns."
Like, a cocaine shipment!