Review: The Sharing Knife: Passage (Volume 3) by Lois McMaster Bujold

Jan 21, 2009 13:00

I keep on reading Bujold's Sharing Knife books, because I keep on expecting Bujold to suddenly stop sucking and go back to being awesome.

This is not the book in which she does that, and yet...

To be honest, the problem with these books is not that they're bad, but rather that they're by Bujold, and they're not very good. I described them to Karen H. as a good book to take along on a long bus ride if you wanted to get your knitting done. However, I think if you took this book on a long bus ride, your knitting would not get done. This is not precisely high praise, and yet I did find this entry in the series more compelling than the previous two.

It has all the problems of its predecessors, of course: Fawn remains too wise for her years, and the action in the book sort of drags. But, in this one, I think Bujold has finally gotten to the part of the story she was looking forward to, and it does actually become interesting in a purely "what happens next?" sort of way.

I'm not saying anyone should go out and read the first two to get to this one, it's certainly not worth it, but if you've read the first two and were wondering if you ought to inflict this one on yourselves, I would cautiously recommend it. It may make you feel that the effort in reading the first two was not entirely wasted.
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