And who would be the printed paisley scarf of crossovers?

Apr 26, 2008 13:34

thefourthvine: Poll: Crossovers, Oh My, got me thinking about fannish little-black-dresses, who are an interesting category in and of themselves: they tend to be not quite core-cast, loners, and it's helpful if they have a history of traveling, but I'm not sure what else goes into a little-black-dress.  Tentatively, I think they have to come from a canon that's put them through enough that no matter where they end up they can go "Yeah, but it's no worse than a Thursday night back home."

Generally agreed-upon little-black-dresses:
Alex Krycek (X-F)
Oz (BtVS)
Faith (BtVS)
To a lesser extent(?):
Jack Harkness (D.W)
The Littlest Hobo*
Aeryn Sun**

Anywho, examples?  Thoughts?
* Well, but he should be!
** Or maybe she just crosses well with Firefly?


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