Fan mini-wank in the form of ficlet.

Apr 25, 2005 23:25

Re-reading Rite of Passage, it occurs to me that another reason is plausible for Jack's irrational antipathy to Batman:

To Jack Drake, Batman is:

Not real. It's ridiculous. Do they expect him to believe in crocodiles in the sewers, microchips in his hamburger, messages in the alignment of the pyramids? If the cops would spend a little less time concocting tales about imaginary bogeymen, and a little more actually enforcing the law, maybe this city wouldn't have the reputation as a haven for crime. And frankly, it's hard enough to encourage investment without having to convince every potential investor that you're not a nut, you don't believe those things.

An annoyance. Janet said that kids' attention span was longer than adults, but it's been four years, and any mention of Batman still sets the boy chattering. He's like a miniature wind up college proffesor: one wind will give you a fifty minute lecture, complete with diagrams. And then the boy acts so damn hurt when your attention strays. Tim needs to learn that not everyone shares his interests. It's not personal.

An angel with a sword. He hadn't prayed like this for anything since he was twelve, but it turns out he still does believe in God, at least at times like this. This is an answer to prayer, there's no other way to explain it. Batman is in Gotham, they're in Haiti, and yet here he is, striding across the fire, an emissary of God. Jack had been staring death in the face for days, and this is deliverance.

The man who saw Jack poison his own wife. Batman's the only one left who knows. When they were both safe, Jack poisoned his wife by mistake.

meta: comics, warning: none, writing: snippet, character: jack drake

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