More MapTools! Potential Games

Aug 05, 2008 10:33

Encouraged by the success of my first attempt at online Gamemastering. I'm thinking of running a mini-series: a story arc running from three to six sessions. Not a full-blown campaign yet but if there is any interest beyond the mini-series I would give a campaign some serious thought.
I wrote up some blurbrbs To give people a better flavour of types of games I would like to run.

D&D 4th Edition, Homebrew
1A. Heroes of Myth & Legend: Will you be the one to raise the shield wall against the invaders? Or will you carve out nations with the edge of your axe? Or will venture out to the Feywild, seeking out the Courts of the Eladrin? Will you forge bonds of fellowship with the Fae or will you bend them to your service? Will you stop your people's steady decline into decadence and infernal corruption? In time, perhaps? Or perhaps, you are just content to test your steel and spells against the might and magic of this new world?

The main influence for this mini-series is Dawnforge the Age of Legend . There are others but that is the main one that comes to mind.

1B. Urban Setting & Mega-Dungeon: The Great City was built on the corpses of many great Empires. Underneath the cobblestones lies warrens, catacombs and chambers filled with jewels and treasury of merchant princes and miserly kings, not to mention lost artefacts of untold power. The City is not a place for the soft-hearted nor the merciful as the gangs who rule the streets 'in the name of Law' will just as mug you than protect you from the riffraf.

This will also be a homegrown setting though I would take a page or three from Monte Cook's Ptolus. There are also shades of Fafhrd & Grey Mouser and Thieves World.

Come to think of it, I may add a dash of
Perdido Street Station, Gangs of New York and Eberron into this mix.

2. Star Wars Saga: Knights of the Old Republic: I don't have any specific, fleshed out ideas on this yet. I could go with either Heroes of the Republic or something along Privateers & Merchants.

3. Savage Worlds: We can continue with the Modern Day Monster mash as that's one of my favourite genres. Another game that really has me fired up is:
Starlords of Hadrapur! This will be a Sword and Planet mini-series in the tradition of John Carter of Mars (who doesn't want a little Barsoom in their Savage Worlds?), Flash Gordon and WizKid's Rocketmen.

In the midst of the Great Interstellar War, you and the rest of the crew, prisoners, refugees and other survivors of the Galactic Fleet Rocketship Garuda find yourself stranded on a strange world. You will fight tyrannical Star Lords, explore exotic locations, liberate the oppressed, swing on chandeliers, rescuing princes and princesses all the while searching for a way home. The first session will deal with how our heroes ended up on Hadrapur.

maptool, star wars, d&d, rpg, savage worlds

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