Keep on the Shadowfell Session 2 & Other RPG goodness

Jul 06, 2008 18:37

By the mighty lords of Kobol, that Irontooth was one tough son of a goblin. Our party of adventurers tore into Irontooth and his cronies. Still, Irontooth packed a whallop and knocked out my character (a Human Warlord) and the other healer (a Dwarven Cleric).

Today was the second session of the 4E D&D game I'm playing in. I enjoyed myself. The gaming group got into a rhythm and were more familiar with the combat rules this time around so we whipped through a minor RP encounter and three combat encounters during the course of the afternoon. The only thing that sucked (aside from getting struck down by a goblin axe till I nearly bled to death) was that the encounters netted only a handful of XP since there were seven PCs. Oh well...

Playing this campaign every other week seems to be ok but I'm starting to hunger for other games. I've tried looking at playing other games online (via OpenRPG or Fantasy Grounds) but I haven't seen any games that fit my schedule or are set in gameworlds that I'm interested in. Another 4E game would be nice but I would also consider other games such as Savage Worlds, Star Wars Saga or Spirit of the Century. I'm also entertaining the idea of DMing but that prospect still scares me... I don't know the rules as well as I would like.

d&d, rpg

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