Apr 02, 2005 00:06
tonight was super fun, i played with a sword, recieved rashes under my underpits, and showed everybody my ab, the marines sent me a mail thingy today saying they want me to join because i am excellent, but they said that if i want to be a true marine i have to go from 1 ab to 6. I went to the doctor yesterday, and he said i have slight scoliosis, i think its some genital disease, cuz it burns when i pee, is it suppose to do that? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, sorry im just venting right now because im so depressed, please leave comments, tehy are appreciated, they make me feel important, ohh i also found out tonight taht my left nipple takes longer to get hard then my right nipple, i think my body favors my right side, im right brained, right handed, my right ball hangs lower, and im right footed, thanks for listening to my problems,
Alex J Bronner