Лотос буддистський

Oct 27, 2014 23:42

 Були на минулих вихідних у Нара, коло Великого Будди, і мене питали туристи, до чого коло нього стільки лотосу. Я їм трошки пояснив по пам’яті, пригадуючи цитату з одного англомовного журналу про Кіото. Наводжу її нижче. (А в самому журналі рекламували пречудові розкладні столики зі спресованого японського паперу ваші - ручна робота, всє дєла, вартість - 108.000 ієн. Ну, хіба що в наступному житті, або як виграю я колись в лотерею - тільки треба спочатку купити лотерейний білет).

The rhizomes of lotus spread through the dark mud of shallow ponds. Connecting the tubers to the plants’ upper structure are hollow stems filled with air. These strong stalks enable the flowers to remain above the murk and reach for the light. As new growth extends upward from the underground rhizomes, it breaks through the water’s surface and spreads out in huge leaves and buds, which are shaped like upside-down hearts, a form echoed in the spherical finials atop Buddhist pagodas.

Lotus flowers hold a divine place in Buddhism. The existence of such beautiful blossoms emerging from mud is a floral representation of the fundamental Buddhist concept that people are led by buddhas from the confusion of the everyday world toward wisdom and enlightenment. In fact, the lotus flower, with its layered petals resembling a shape not like unlike the palm of a human hand, easily invokes thoughts of compassion even in people who are not devote Buddhists. The pedestals on which statues of bodhisattvas and other revered Buddhist characters stand are often shaped like lotus petals.

So the lotus fits perfectly into the scenic surroundings of many Kyoto temples. Each July the flowers open wide as though to proclaim the advent of summer. Because the blossoms close as the sun approaches its zenith each day, it’s best to visit in early morning to enjoy the vibrance of lotus in the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the temple grounds.

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васуреру бекарадзу, нара, буддизм

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