Mar 07, 2004 00:16
OMG, I am sooo excited! I just found the building yay! I didn't even need a map too much! Only a few times! It was like i used my jedi powers!
Oh I can't wait to party! This is going to be sooo much fun!
*knocks on the apartment door and is close to bouncing while waiting*
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*takes it over to Joan and Astraeia*
See? Tacky! And it weighs a lot, too.
You're kidding, right? It'll clash with my outfit! Hell, I don't even think Oscar De La Hoya could make this thing look good...
*unclasps the belt*
I think it's too big, too. Oh fine, I'll put it on to amuse y'all...
*puts the belt around her waist and clasps it*
Oh yeah, definitely too big! Huh, so is this what a champion feels like?
*grins at Joan*
Care to arm-wrestle me for it?
*Laughs and wonders if Eva knows she has superstrength.*
Hee, sure I will! Just think how cool that would look on Yuffie!
*Goes to the kitchen table, moves some of the snacks out of the way, and props her elbow on the table.*
*adjusts the belt*
Lord, but this thing is awkward!
*props her elbow on the table and clasps Joan's hand*
Ok, but no cheating now. I know how much you want this belt....
On the count of three?
*Gasps when Eva instantly slams her arm back onto the table.*
Whoa, you're wicked strong! Not a whole lot of people can win an arm wrestle with me. Guess that's why you weren't so freaked out about fighting the demons, huh?
Holy hell! Are you sure you didn't let me win so I wouldn't make you keep the belt? 'Cause I'm not that strong!
*looks at her arm, flexing it a bit*
It felt like you weren't even trying, and I know you've gotta be stronger than me, you threw that demon over the railing by yourself!
*Goes to the refrigerator and tips it up on one side without much effort.*
Okay, nothing wrong with my strength. You try it.
*goes over to the fridge and tries to tip it like Joan did*
*looks over at her when she can barely move it*
You did let me win!
I wouldn't have made you keep the ugly thing, you know.
*Gets a sudden realization.*
Omigod, maybe it's the belt! Makes you super strong or something?
*looks down at the belt*
So then how come I can't move the fridge like you can?
Okay, that sure wasn't me letting you win.
*Gets up and brushes herself off.*
And don't worry, bruises heal real fast on me.
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