Apr 17, 2007 22:49
As promised, life update today.
I finally got a job. It's a shitty job, but it'll pay the bills, for now. Stocking at United Supermarket. I'm still looking for something better to pay the bills with until I'm rich - which might be in a month or two, or might be next year, depending on how things work. (Guess which one I'm hoping for?) Life has, at once, become considerably less stressful and more irritating. It's not horrible, though. The owner has spotted my awesomeness, and has stated an intention of teaching me to check, which will boost my pay, and training me up for management. Which is nice, but it's still grocery. Oh well. It'll last until I get something else. Which may be soon - I'm applying for a job as a reporter for my hometown newspaper, which would mean I could leave this place, go home, see my dogs, and mooch off my parents so I can pay stuff off until the big money comes - since my mom insists that I can stay there, as long as I get a job.
And really, I'd like to go home. I miss my dogs. I miss Chloe. There's several things I'm missing, and a dozen ways moving home would make my life easier. And really, Trent's ready for tryouts, so what am I doing down here when I could be up there? Trent's a good friend and all, but I don't know that hanging out with him and having a steady (but annoying) gaming group is worth the monetary costs or other sacrifices. When I've got the money to travel freely, I'd leave home again, but as it is - struggling to get started out of college - I'd prefer to be there.
Somehow, thinking about all this, I managed to get myself sort of depressed. What am I doing here?