Another Weird Dream: Superhero Shenanigans

Dec 28, 2012 23:09

Last night's dream:

The dream started with myself and my partner investigating an old, abandoned stone mansion way out in the country.  It looked very much like your typical 'haunted house', except it was made of gray stone, with a generous pile of construction debris- broken concrete, rocks, and bricks- in the backyard.  We, along with another scientist and a plucky lady investigator type, were looking for a scientist that an unnamed supervillain had kidnapped.  We found the captive in the kitchen in the back of the house; the supervillain had murdered him for reasons unknown. The investigator said she thought it was because he knew too much about the villain's plans.  While the scientist and investigator gathered evidence inside, my partner and I canvassed the grounds outside.  My partner looked very much like a long-haired, scruffy Timothy Oliphant, but dressed like one of the Winchester brothers from Supernatural.  He was armed with a custom-made titanium baseball bat, and somehow I knew that he was very like Casey Jones from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise- no real superpowers, just a scary good hand-to-hand brawler.

As we were investigating outside, we see a sinister-looking, armored sedan come to a screeching halt out front.  We identify the vehicle as belonging to a certain team of supervillains, who we guess are there looking for the now dead scientist, too.  We decide to duck around the back of the houses and waylay them, but they split up- one goes in the front door but the other, a woman who my partner called by her supervillainess name, "La Femme", spotted me ducking around the corner of the house.  We both step back behind the chimney of the house to ambush her, but to our surprise she somehow gets up onto the roof and starts cutting the electrical wires to the house and dropping them down toward us! And to make matters worse, a second sinister-looking car drives up and another, rival team of supervillains jumps out and runs inside the mansion as well!

My partner dodges the power lines, though, and makes his way to the other side of the house to guard the approach, yelling to me, "watch out! She's a sorceress!".  I use a super power to make my skin as hard and dense as stone; the electrical line that hits me has no effect, even though it is obviously live.  I decide to run for cover among the debris in the backyard so I can see my opponent, and the villianess begins pelting me with tiny red and blue, star-shaped lights that explode when they hit me.  Again, my stony skin seems to protect me.  I get to the debris pile just as La Femme starts pulling the chimney apart and throwing bricks at me! I turn to look, and she is suddenly wearing this very crude, ugly, but very solid-looking stone armor which I assume she summoned around herself.  I taunt her with, "Oh, so you think you're an earthlord, too?  You're about to see what a real earthlord can do!"  I gesture with my hand and pull a mantlet of stone and rocks up out of the earth in front of me to deflect the bricks, and I begin scooping up ammunition of my own: fist-sized and larger bits of rock and bricks and concrete.  Using the earth mantlet as cover, I begin pelting my enemy with the debris- apparently my earth control powers let me hurl the stuff like cannonballs. Either that, or I had some telekinetic powers, too. At any rate, I have trouble hitting her at first, but then I home in on her and begin utterly pummeling her with the debris, shooting pieces almost like a machine gun. I can see her armor chipping and shattering with each hit, and soon I knock her off the roof and onto the ground. I rush up to La Femme and pick up a huge piece of stone nearby, slamming her in the chest with it just as she is about to get up.  Her armor totally shatters and she falls, bruised and battered and knocked unconscious.

Just then the back door to the kitchen and the kitchen window explode.  A huge gout of flame rolls out of the doorway and window across the backyard, and I see the charred and burning body of the already-dead missing scientist fly through the air.  The dream ends with me wondering if I should go into the kitchen to see what the Hell is going on in there, or follow my partner to make sure he isn't in trouble.
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