Aug 13, 2013 02:57
I think I've come such a long way in such a short amount of time. I'm working hard and I'm extremely motivated. Differently than times before. Its like I'm a different person. Things still are affecting me, but it don't rock my world and make me go backwards. That might also be because I'm making a conscious effort to just focus on me and be a little selfish. I know I have certain responsibilities, but I can't do anything for anyone else if I'm fucked up. straight up. I can't help, but to think that ambitious person I once was is still there and all I have to do is try to get there. I know the reward will be greater than when I was in NC because the pressure is real up here. There isn't a moment that goes by that a "trigger" isn't hit. I mean I'm just kind of used to i though. I will say the only good thing out of all of it is that I've become such a hustler when I need something. I know there is always a way to get what you want. I've found so many ways to get money or my way. If I can apply any of that mentality of "by any means necessary" to get out of this constant cycle and to start something that is so passionate... so passionate from my heart that when I create it I wanna fuck it... or make love to it... to enjoy it... I've fucked things over n over... time to make love. Be passionate. I am passionate. and things lacking passion need to move on n out. I wanna be so successful that I turn myself on just by looking at myself.
I can just think so many times you think its time... it does come a time where you just say "I've got to do better." I've been so lucky the things I've done that didn't hold me back in major ways. Everything happens for a reason.