Hey guys! I'm alive, I swear, even though I'm not around practically at all. Here's the low-down on the last couple of weeks.
{November was insane} because that was the month of commuting an hour each way, of learning a new job with new people, moreover a job I've NEVER TRAINED FOR. I'm fine at it, don't get me wrong (I'm a youth minister! I like youth, and I'm passionate and knowledgeable about my faith, but dammit I'm kind of terrified by the budget). November was also the month of missing Mom and Dad (they were gone to fair conventions in the West for the whole month), cooking my own food (not really that hard, I love cooking, but it takes time), and thinking about packing and never seeming to manage it after i got home that night.
I learned a lot, I got paid, I met people, I went ARG, I got bored, I got stressed. It was a good month, but crazy (this "being employed" thing is really nice, but certainly doesn't give you a lot of time to write :P)
And now it's December and life is STILL really fantastic and really insane. Mom, Dad and I moved into my new apartment the first of December. I actually got the 24 hour flu that same day and was vomitting...pretty much eveywhere while they dragged the furniture up the stairs. They were really awesome and we got almost ALL my stuff into the place within that one weekend. Getting it all put away is a different matter.
For the first time in my life, I have all the stuff that I've collected over 25 years together in one place, and I can't help looking at it and thinking "I went to Spain with two handbags and a suitcase, why the heck do I have all this STUFF?".
Of course a lot of that is books. We traveled a lot when I was a kid, so it wasn't practical for me to check something out of a library when there was no guarantee that I'd be able to get it back in time, so all that time I was a voracious reader AND buying everything. I have one heck of a library, even after a few year of whittling down the books that I didn't think that I'd ever read again, or ever want to lend out to someone. Or look up info in. Or compare to other writing styles.
Yeah, lots of books, and exactly one bookshelf *eyes books, eyes checkbook, eyes calendar* I think I'm going to wait until after Christmas to go out and buy some. But there DEFINITELY will be some.
MAN, you see how distracted I get. There's so much STUFF to put places. For example, I ended up going out to buy a new iPod cord yesterday because...I don't know where the other one is. It's in a BOX. A box my parents packed because i was too sick to go home and finish up the last packing details. It HAS to be somewhere, because there is NOTHING in my old room. Nothing. It's been converted into a sewing room, with a fresh coat of paint, and I'm still kind of amazed, because I can't REMEMBER the last time my parents moved that fast on a home improvement project. O_O. They do still have a cot in there for me though for when i com eback to visit. *hehe*
ANYWAY, I'm finally in the new apartment. The internet came in last Thursday, thank goodness, but I've been doing computer training away from work, and driving around, and having meetings and figuring out where my spoons were in the intermissions and...yeah.
I haven't been writing. I regret that. I miss FC, and Natl, and even Haraan Demonrider is starting to shove his way into my brain (I've been reading the Bible lately, the juicy bits in the middle and every time i read about the early Isrealites, how passionate, how faithful, how bloodthirsty they were, how closely they followed God, I find myself writing about faith in the incarnation of Haraan Demonrider (whose name may change some day because it's too close to Haylan and they would really not get along). Haraans an utterly faithful man, and brilliant, and driven, and a complete bastard and I'm rather fond of him. Maybe someday I'll actually finish a story about him and throw that up here.
I'm going to write Christmas cards this year! I finally got a whole batch of cheap but pretty ones, and I'm going to start writing them out and sending them...any...day...now...*stares vacantly at calendar*. Did I say Christmas cards? Maybe I meant Epiphany cards. (Epiphany is a holiday on Jan 6 celebrating the visit of the Three Kings to Baby Jesus. Not one of the big holidays where I'm from, honestly, but it was BIG in Spain. There was a parade, with Santa and LIVE ELEPHANTS).
I really can't complain about life. Life is VERY good. I have a job, my supervisor and I are scarily on the same wavelength, I really like the kids I'm working with, the community is incredibly accepting, and things are GOOD, even when they're stressful, or I have my 10-hour-work-day Wednesdays. But there's not a lot of time for anything else right now, you know?
So, anyway, I hope that you all have been having fantastic lives, and that you have a very Merry Christmas, a delightful New Years, and...an epiphany on Epiphany? :P
Writing? Sleeping? Blogging? What are these things of which you speak? Where is the time for them? Better luck after Christmas...