Oct 13, 2012 02:16
I should like October to be "Finish Works in Progress" Month. There's a number of stories in my writing folders that are mostly complete (or maybe just complete in my head; maybe that I THINK are complete in my head) that could be out there if not for a lack of drive and focus.
I think that last October was a "Finish Works in Progress" Month as well. There's just something about November (and Nano) creeping up that makes me want to be FINISHED with something, lots of somethings preferably.
There's always a struggle between saying "Oh, heck with it!" and posting something and making sure that the writing is as good as I can make it. But at this point, I still have a fic I wrote because of angsting about the S5 finale and another AU of an AU of an AU rattling around in my folder from two years ago, and...it may be time to give up the ghost. And give you guys fic. :P
Wish me luck, and maybe I'll see you around with WORDS.
talking about writing is fail