Crossposted 125ish word drabble from
lit_joy , the writing comm I recently joined.
Prompt was: write a drabble inspired by the lyrics to a song.
Warnings: you might not want to be eating anything.
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(Stopping the Zombie Apocalypse,) That’s What It’s All About
The latest infestation of flesh-eating zombie bugs was eventually traced to the grave of one
Al Tabor, British ex-bandleader.
“Can’t we do this at a lab?” George whined, while Elisa put the right leg back in the coffin, reconsidered, took it out to examine for eggs, then put it back to shake it vigorously.
“No zombie eggs in my lab,” she said, repeating the process with the left arm and then starting on the head. “So, these songs, were they, like, classics, or kind of hokey? Oh, look! Larvae!”
In, out, in, shake.
Sure, he had exhumed and dismembered the corpse for her, but seeing the soft, sucking grubs was too much. He turned himself around and puked over the cemetery grass.
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Author's Note: I should be so ashamed, but I'm really really not. The Hokey Pokey was the only song that stuck in my head and I caved. Also, there's a joke like this...