S6.04 stream of consciousness reactions

Oct 15, 2010 22:19

"Weekend at Bobby's"

Pre-commentary chatter: Today at work the children were obedient and NOT eating each other's arms off, except for one small boy that is not actually old enough to play the games he wants to on the computer. And, honestly, I do not WANT to help him figure out how to jump and move around, because I don't know how, and have only minimal interest in learning.

Tonight's dinner was salmon, with a strong wine that went straight to my head (wheee, the world was spinning) and a bean salad. I offered to do dishes, but Mom was impatient and so I did NOT have to. Always nice. Then we watched "No Ordinary Family", about a family that develops super powers (FINALLY playing at a time when it doesn't conflict with everything I like to watch) and it was okay, but slow.

Actual commentary:

Finally, we figure out about Bobby’s soul being in hock

Kenosha! Woot!

Hey, gloves. That’s nice (as an NCIS fan, I always wince when the boys are wandering around crime scenes without gloves)

Awww, Bobby. You need to learn how to pick locks. And also, you are having such a bad day.

Woot, snacking on Cheeseheads (have I mentioned that I’m from Wisconsin? And a Packer fan, but that’s all genetics)

I hope this chick isn’t a demon, because, honestly, SPN could use more interesting, NON-demonic/monsterous female characters

INTERESTING choice, watching Bobby the whole time. He has a BUSY life, and a lot less chill than usual

Ooooo, nice that there are FOREIGN monsters coming in. Interesting to think that the previous years had good old fashioned AMERICAN monsters. Hahaha.

What, seriously, are we going to Scotland? It would be so weird if anyone from SPN go to Scotland

“How long have I been arresting you, Bobby, ten years?” “Yeah, about that.”

I like that they have a good relationship.

Oh, shredded Japanese demon is disgusting. Aaaand, nice that Bobby automatically turns off the woodchipper

Comment from my dad: “You think it’s dead now? You know a lot of those rules about killing monsters, they made them up when they didn’t have woodchippers. I mean, you cut the head off a vampire, takes him a while to find it, but you shred him and spread him all over the yard, you think he’s coming back?”

ACK, Dean worrying. But at least he’s NOT freaking, he’s just concerned

Holy crap, Bobby you just drank a really big glass of alcohol. And I’m kinda happy listening to you shred the boys. They don’t necessarily deserve it THIS TIME, but they have deserved it in the past.

And, I like you sheriff woman.

“You know what the problem with demons is?” “They’re demons?” “Exactly!”

“Do I look like Dr. Phil to you?” “A little.”

Nice blackmail, finally Crowley is mildly concerned


Uh, all demons just ghosts with egos? Good to know.

OH MY GOSH THE WINCHESTES ARE IN SCOTLAND (I have a feeling that is all I’m going to get out of this episode)

“Hear that Crowley, that’s me flicking my Bick for you.”


They are INTERNATIONAL. Wonder if they stopped in Amsterdam, like proposed in earlier seasons.

Hahah, Dean is driving on the opposite side of the road. And their car is so small.

PREVIEW: wait, really? Is Dean going to be possessed or something now? Actually, it looks like he’s become a werewolf, with the increased emotions and things.

Comment on exorcising demons: requires lots and lot of jump rope. Hard to get their heart rates up to speed when the demon isn’t cooperating

Just watched the preview for this last episode again, and…it looks much more EXCITING than the episode actually was. I mean, this one was interesting, and it was sweet to watch Bobby exclusively for a while, and it was good to get his soul out of the Great Pawnshop. I was intrigued by the foreign monsters coming around, but I continue to feel only mild interest. Is this change occurring at the actual show level, or is this just how my perceptions change when I stop watching it with the amazing and equally obsessed lavinialavender ? And, it is also possible that most of the space once taken up in my head by actual SPN has been taken over with AU SPN concentration camps, strawberries of self-loathing, oranges of sadness, and multiple locations of ick.

Mental jump, back to show again: I really want them to go to Amsterdam or something while they have gone to the effort of getting fake passports that will actually get them somewhere given tightened security measures, AND flying across the Atlantic ocean. I feel vaguely cheated now, because you know that they won't. SPN: International Edition. It would be so weird.

Final reaction: that was nice. *shrug*

Now I am going to go and see if I can actually think about/write/edit anyone that is not SPN.

bobby singer, supernatural, real life, episode reactions

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