Dec 12, 2004 18:43
yeahh this weeekend was pretty sweet although it did have some down sides..Well Friday I came home from school and being the sweet person i am i went to Sadies!!!I mean that wasnt really fun but i guess it was okayy. Then afterwards me jen LB Amina Mia Alanna Cristal Candace Kelseyy Trina and i cant even remember who all because there were so many..but yeah we all went to apple bee's and ate there and of course there had to be some drama with the sophmores comming up there to say shit to alanna but yeah theres always drama righhtt?? then after that me and jenny were suppose to go to LB's house with lupe and all them but we didnt we just went back to jennnyferss house (me and her) and pretty much talked the whole night and went to bed and then the next day..because me and jenny are retarded we sat in her room for like literally 3 hours and talked and colored each others assignment books and then we went out side on the four wheeler and jenny went through like all the puddles she could find and yeahh my jacket was alll dirtayyy! then we sat some more and went may sound boring but actually it was funn. then me Jenny and LB went to Tara's Cheerleading bowling thing and just hungout there and bowled for a bit and then i came home! and today i went to my hockey game and hockey party and i am veryy tired and i also have tonz of homework..and to top it all off me and hibbs got into a fight!! so yeah i'm in a fight with my best friend :-) superrr!! later dudes